How Much Faster Will I Run If I Lose Weight

Image via Wikipedia

Not much is the answer.

Let’s say you are middle aged and already in a healthy weight zone. Let’s also say that you ran 5k in 20 minutes (I only give that very respectable figure so that you can see the percentage improvement more easily).

To knock off 20 seconds and improve your time to 19:40 OTHER THINGS BEING EQUAL you would have to lose about 10% of your body weight ie lose 7kg if you weigh 70kg. That is a lot of weight to lose for a mere 1.5% improvement. Although it is a notable improvement nevertheless. © 2010-2025

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1 thought on “How Much Faster Will I Run If I Lose Weight

  1. The other problem of course is that if you are not careful then even well conditioned athletes trying to lose weight will actually lose weight by losing muscle mass…not at all what they want. Losing the right weight is HARD.

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