5k Elastic Laces

“I like the look of those elastic laces. Are they worth it?”

Blimey! you are keen to get your shoes on and off quickly. No they are not worth it for a 5K. They are for transitions in triathlons.

however having said that I’m now going to go on and contradict myself. My laces have only come undone once in about 100 5k races/time trials. That cost me about 20 seconds to re-tie them. I always thought, like you, that my laces would never come undone because, like you, I ALWAYS tie them properly and securely. Well apparently not.

Now if I had those elastic laces they would not have come undone. So, a couple of quid for saving 20 seconds? Yep it’s probably worth it. Also you won’t overtie your laces and restrict your foot movement..

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