5k: Parkrun….it's Friday..so time for a mental session

Português: Suplemento Alimentar - Proteína do Leite (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Yep today’s Friday and so that must be a rest day right? Tomorrow is parkrun day after all.

Well not for me, I’m desperately trying to get back some of the fitness I’ve lost over the last month by not being able to run. With a race in 9 days I should of course be tapering but when you are likely to be 1-2 mins down (who knows haven’t been able to test!) panic sets in.

Firstly 3×3 mins at race pace on the bike with 3mins rest. Nothing too silly there. Consistent with a taper, perhaps even a bit light although I have been going for it a bit on the bike recently.

Then 2×15 min sweetspot runs (30 secs below race pace). Managed 10 mins for the first one but then remembered how to run and did the second set much better. 5 min RI. Not sure of course if it was the right pace as all my tests are about 6 weeks old so I was prob going a bit too fast.

Time to go home? I think not. I did 6 or 7 one minute intervals at LIKELY NEW/SLOWER race pace. Fastest I’ve run for a long time. Got as little calf twinge when I really picked up the pace but eased off and hopefully it will be OK tomorrow.

Back home and a lucozade sport to fill up the carb tank. Also a whey protein and semi-skimmed milk shake. Lots of repairing protein for my knackered running legs.

The TRIMP score at the end of the whole lot was quite high. Bit silly really. Still, 2 more days of speed training of 1kms (++bike sprints) or something like that and then I can really start to taper with lots of little bursty run/bike speed things. That part at least will be ffffun.

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