I sort of had a session with Olympian Andrew Wheating today.
Sort-of means “I didn’t”.
And anyway it was in a pool rather than on the track! I have to say he is a rather good swimmer as well as an awesome 1500m runner.
However, one point to note Andrew. I see from your Twitter posts that you kinda get the driving on the correct side of the road (unlike back home). Good stuff, safety first, you have been here before of course.
However, when you swim in the ‘slow’ lane you are meant to be rubbish or at least quite bad. Maybe the word slow means something else in American Track and Field that doesn’t quite translate to the pool.
Anyway your swimming was a joy to watch from the adjacent lane. Very good technique, the ladies present approved as well.
Enjoy the London Olympics 2012 medal in a few weeks; Ross Murray and Andrew Baddeley (GB) may well have something to say about what colour it is though 🙂