London Duathlon 2012 Results – Spreadsheet (richmond Park)

Spreadsheet Results For  The_london_duathlon_2012

2013: Spreadsheet Age Group Results will hopefully be here soon.

Spreadsheet for the challenge, classic and fun distances only. Some of the splits are wrong but the overall times seem right. If you follow the link on the london duathlon web site it instead shows you your overall position rather than the age group position in my spreadsheet…still with a spreadsheet you can sort it how you like 🙂

I’ll also include some stats to see if you would have qualified for the GB Age Group Duathlon teams (IF this were a qualification event – which it wasn’t! but you’ll get an idea as to how good you really are!). These are not for the fun distance as the Sprint Duathlon Distance is 5:20:2.5 and the general standard would be higher.

In a real Euro/Worlds qualification event some of the categories would be more competitive but there were some GB Age Group Duathletes competing so especially in the 30-55 age groups they were competitive. Also the qualification rules are a little more complex so, again, the figure in the spreadsheet is indicative.

And please if you do download and like the xls results it would be very nice if you could at least ‘like’ the page’. Thank you..makes me happy to know you care. I will take me probably more than an hour to convert and organise the results into a better format.

Great day though wasn’t it? My time (AG 2nd place!!) was down on last year due to both the weather (also not great last year) and my lack of running fitness. My average heart rate fir the first bit was 8 bpm (4%ish) higher than a similar run the previous weekend – just because of the heat! <Here> is yet another spreadsheet which tells you how much that would slow you down by in the run (and other stats). © 2010-2025

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21 thoughts on “London Duathlon 2012 Results – Spreadsheet (richmond Park)

  1. It was a great day although I’m a bit disappointed with my run times. The slowest 10 & 5ks I’ve ever run. Partly due to the heat which I found hard & partly due to stomach cramps in run 1 & really bad stitch in run 2 (I think from drinking do much). Enjoyed the cycle though and didn’t have to walk up that hill!
    Didn’t even try to get decent transitions either, run was so crap I couldn’t push myself.
    I’ve drunk about 5 litres of water since starting and not wee-d properly yet which says a lot about the heat I think!
    Wanted to say thanks for your posts and advice in the last couple of months, they were really helpful.

    1. Glad to hear about the hill ! My pleasure and if it’s any consolation just about everything you say applies to me too. I even stopped to take a drink at one point which is unheard of for me.

      1. To echo Debi’s comment, thanks for all the interesting posts on the lead upto this event, you’re a wealth of information on the subject
        A puncture that the start of the bike leg put paid to all of my best laid plans and I think my tyre pressures went too high as well as my heart rate.. prep would be a really useful post at some point in the future.It’s frustrating to have to wait another whole year to give it another go!

      2. god yes sy about that. I was actually going to write something to say pump your tyres up immediately before your race as if you do it earlier they will heat up during the day to more than what you pumped them up to in the morning or night before. I got many strange stares carrying my pump into transition but now you know why…

  2. Hi,
    Does anyone know if there were any issues in picking up all the times on the day?

    My name/time is missing from the results published and a few friends who competed are having the same problem.


    1. the results are wrong in the sense that for sure some of the splits are wrong. Overall times seem OK. If you are missing you may have been DQd or may have missed a timing mat somewhere on the course. The results may be provisional so you can point out to the organisers an error, Iwould send some form of ‘proof’ from any Garmin type device you are using…do it all in one email and don’t expect to have a lengthy email conversation to and fro with them.

  3. Thanks for taking the time to analyse the results and congratulations on your result. Personally I was pretty happy with the day (first proper Du) apart from my 2nd run which was shocking! I’m a new comer to duathlons but quite interested in seeing how well I could do if I worked on my weaknesses. I would be interested in a blog on how to go about trying to qualify for age group worlds/euros and what events etc you would have to do.

    Keep up the good work!

    Cassie :o)

    1. the 2nd run is always a shocker…that’s duathlons. I did my first triathlon earlier this year and my first thought was ‘God that was easy (compared to a Duathlon)”. you can qualify for the euro champs and world champs 2013. the former will be in april and the latter in september. the qualifiers (not yet announced ) will ALL be before or in April and there will be 3/4 of them all over the country starting in feb. They will be announced over the next few months and I will write about it here on this blog. look at my history for oct last year and i wrote quite a bit on them. the process was a bit flawed and various events were cancelled and rearranged for a variety of reasons. There’s also Sprint duathlons which may or may not have separate qualification events for euro/world champs. the btf site and on my site goes through the qualification process but basically world=115% of the age-group winners time in a qualifying race and the Euros are 120%. If you do the time you are almost certain to qualify as a lady. With your time/ability you should easily qualify (you might even be a medal contender with a tad more training!) although it would be over 10:40:5 or 5:20:2.5 distances and not the distance you did yesterday. In your age group you would realise that the elite athletes have their own events so the standard will be a bit lower overall (but still very good) whereas in the 35+ age groups the competition is more the pinnacle of what 35+ year old can compete in. still it always sounds good to have the GB tri-suit in your wardrobe….gets quite expensive tho so”cost of competing for your country” blog post i made a while back. Good luck…let me know when you qualify 🙂

      1. Thanks for your reply. I’m interested in the possible opportunity to try and qualify (would love to get that GB kit!!) but it will depend when the qualifying events are so I’ll keep an eye on yours and the BTF site. As you mention below it might be worth trying a ‘normal’ BTF event to gage myself against more tri/du specific athletes – don;t want to get ahead of myself after 1 event!

        Thanks again for your reply 🙂

  4. Thanks so much for putting the results in a spreadsheet. Makes them much easier for me to waste time analysing them! It was bugging me yesterday that I couldn’t rearrange them. Wish they’d got the 1st run times right though.
    Am I right in thinking there was a LOT more ‘normal’ people doing it this year? I’m sure when I entered and looked at last year’s results I’d have finished almost last (and that was with me expecting to run the 10k 5 mins faster and the 5k about 5 mins faster too) but even with my crap times I still came 22nd out of 63 in age group and 90th out of 220 women.

      1. your AG winners bike time was pretty quick 40 mins for 2 laps after a 10k run. Not sure where you are with your husband and kit combo but better kit could prob knock 2 mins off your bike time (silly hat + lycra+ tri bars+ wheels + bike fit etc). You runs are only rubbish (which they were not) if you compare them to a run without a cycle in it! The duathlon bit makes runs MUCH harder, shame that not everyone appreciates that.

    1. well i’ve wasted time making the spreadsheet AND then wasted even more time analysing it 🙂 Tentatively I think you are right about the normal people. It is a more expensive than the BTF events and that is where the best AG people go to compete. maybe th olympic effect as well?

  5. This is a good post and it’s particularly interesting to think about how competitive your time is compared with others. This was my second duathlon after last year’s winter ballbuster. I did the ultra distance, which was tough because of the heat. The second run was torture! I’ve been running almost exactly a year and cycling (but not racing) for about 4 years. It took me 5hrs16, which put me 30th overall, but the field was much smaller in the ultra than the classic and I suspect not many top athletes were taking part. This is evidenced by the fact that the winner was 23 minutes faster than second place (albeit he is the Irish Ironman record holder). As a result it’s pretty tough to work out whether I would be similarly placed in the field (i.e. top third) in a more competitive race of the same distance. I’d definitely do the race again though as I really enjoyed it and I think I have a lot of improvement left in my running.

    1. compare to you age groups rather than the overall winners. look at the results for the Powerman long distance duathlon champs results. Try the Eurpean champs at Horst earlier this year…that was flat….see the times. They are the good guys!

  6. Would love to see the spreadsheet but I can’t seem to open it – just get a wordpress error message. any idea?

  7. “London Duathlon 2012 Results – Spreadsheet (richmond Park) « the5krunner” in fact got myself simply addicted on your
    site! Idefinitely will wind up being back significantly more often.

    Thanks a lot ,Tod

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