Qualifying for the Hyde Park GB AG Team (Triathlon – Sprint & Standard)

English: Alistair Brownlee wins the Hyde Park ...
English: Alistair Brownlee wins the Hyde Park Triathlon,August 2011 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Well I looked a while back at the easiest route to qualify for Hyde Park. Me, and very many of you made the most basic mistake of leaving it too late to apply for ANY qualifying race. Consequently not getting the chance to even attempt to qualify. I did manage to get a place but certainly not from my favoured event.

So where are we now?

Looking at the male sprint:
The number of people SO FAR registered to try to qualify are: 45-49 (57 athletes), 40-44 (54), 35-39 (47) and so it goes on. Such that MOST age groups are going to leave some people struggling to qualify even if they have achieved the 115% time. The situation is not quite so competitive in the women’s age groups and fairly similar in the Standard distance.

good Luck. You’ll probably need at least an element of that to get in.

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