5k run Tri PB

Run (Photo credit: tomswift46 ( Hi Res Images for Sale))

Well I have to confess I don’t know what is going on. I did a lake based sprint tri last weekend and managed to rock up a PB on the 5k at the end. That was after not running for about a month.

Maybe I should not run more often? Sounds like ideal training! I know I harp on about rest being good but a month’s worth of rest is really taking it WAY too far.

I’ve also privately doubted somewhat the inter-trainability of bike and run. IT just didn’t seem right that bike training helps run times. OK the cardio system is the same but the muscles are used differently and the technique is obviously different. But maybe that is enough to improve?

Yet I’m pretty sure that I would be at least a minute of my 5k PB as a standalone discipline.

Maybe I eased up in the tri as I have a bike TT this week? That’s probably a better explanation. Maybe too I was taking it easier in the water focussing on skills for Hyde Park next month? The zone3 wetsuit worked well I have to admit and just popped of in transition…I’m getting to like it more and more.

Any thoughts?


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2 thoughts on “5k run Tri PB

  1. If you are fairly consistent in your recent running times then you will only loose a little by not doing run training for a month. The 5k tri course may have been slightly more `downhill` than your 5k pb course, your rest made you more mentally prepared to pace yourself more evenly over the three disciplines, your body(and mind) are adapting better to the tri experience. All non-running plausible explanations for your improvement. That`s if you want one ?

    1. indeed all plausible. As would be my previous PB (a part of a tri) not being so good, or it could have been downwind, or I could have slacked a bit on the bike, or I could have just tried harder. There’s some truth in all the above and really I’m desperately trying to find just a tiny bit of solace from having a season hit by injury and not being really able to have a go at my ‘proper’ 5k PB because of injury and other medical issues. Roll on 2014!!

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