Dryathon 2014

English: Ball and stick model of the alcohol m...
English: Ball and stick model of the alcohol molecule. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The 2014 dryathon is about giving up alcohol for a month. A fair aim, I guess. One day I will write up something on how bad alcohol is for the athletes amongst us. In the meantime I’ll probably continue to have the odd tipple and reflect on the advice given by ‘those in the know’ that, should alcohol be a newly discovered drug, it would be classified as a ‘Class A’ (apparently) drug because of its effects.

I’m not so sure about that last point being true.

For some people totally giving up is the way to go.

For others, they don’t want to give up. They want to consume less. Maybe that becomes like dieting with the need for a bit more self control? (Says me having gained 2kg in the last week 🙁 )

My personal take is for many people their life-focus is wrong. If you have your freedoms restricted then you might well campaign to have more of them. (That sounds irrelevant in the UK as we have relative freedom). Have your food supply cut in a famine and your entire existence will probably be focussed on getting calories. Restricting your calories or alcohol when there is some much about in abundance (as in our world) might be hard as you will probably either think about it or be reminded about it all the time.

So I suggest focussing on something else. Improving your 5k time would be one alternative focus. Something that is more than just a trivial thing that also involves a bit of activity. It might be, instead, to get good at ballroom dancing..whatever. A side effect of, for example, improving your 5k time is that you would obsess about getting physically better; that session tomorrow might be important…perhaps I’ll not have a beer tonight. That kind of thinking will work for some rather than abstinence for a month.

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3 thoughts on “Dryathon 2014

  1. I`m reading this with a bowl of crisps and glass of wine within easy reach. Sigh! I get your point though, about signing up for something more positively framed than abstinence. And, in the process, refocusing to such a point that one shirks off the bad stuff anyhow.

    So, with that in mind, I`m hoping my signing up for Janathon will mean that the Dryathon will happen anyway. 🙂

    Love your posts, always so informative. Best of luck with Janathon, and your running plans for 2014!

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