Garmin Vector Review

Garmin Vector Pedal Power System
Garmin Vector Pedal Power System

One of the beauties of writing this blog is that, from time-to-time, I get to review some excellent pieces of kit. Before you think of starting a blog…you only get stuff on loan and often have to pay the return postage. So it costs money and time but, while you have the item on loan, it can be a privilege to use some great bits of kit that you wouldn’t otherwise have extended access to.

Sure I’ve borrowed a mate’s XXXX many times but normally only for a day or for a weekend. I have the Vectors for a month. On the negative side they are locked away in the house every night rather than in the shed as I am paranoid about having them stolen.

Here is my review, which you can also get access to from the menus above. Most stuff on the web seems to come from the assumption that you have an Edge 810 or other Edge cycling product. I don’t and many triathletes don’t. So mine comes from the 910XT angle of getting it working (which was easy).

The weather is not great and now is not the time of year for PB attempts. But I’m confident that, from what I’ve seen, a road based power solution is just what I need when hills are involved.

I’ve used them with my disc wheel and on different bikes. Changing them over from bike to bike is easy and quick. As I say in the review, it’s almost like buying 6 power meters for the price of one (well, two).

It’s enlightening to see my left:right power balance and how that varies with my style of riding and intensity of riding. Perhaps some effort-free performance improvements can be had here with a bit of focus on technique?

Anyway, have a look at the review. It’s fairly short and has some short videos in it too. © 2010-2025

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