B Race Glory…nearly. Oh so nearly.


14082011_Tri_16137 (Photo credit: kimo_rotorua)

For some bizarre reason my B race for 2014 is the National Duathlon Championships.

I gloriously failed once again to win an AG medal. VERY close this time.

It seems that whenever I get close to a medal some psychological aspect of racing keeps me tantalisingly, just touching the medal (at least after the bike I can get a hand on it) but I never quite seem to finish it off on the last leg. Duathlon is hard.

It’s great to be there or thereabouts but after years of trying I still haven’t got a real medal :-(.

The what-ifs are always there. If only I’d tried a bit harder here or used that bit of kit instead….


Of course the other guys that beat me would probably have the same argument for going faster themselves.

Lessons learnt. Avoid them next time.

On the positive side I’m getting older and about to enter a new AG :-). Unfortunately I’m not old enough yet for the competition to be dying off (joking of course).


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