Well I use Sport Tracks and sometimes occasionally look at the improving Garmin Connect. Next time you finish a workout on your 910XT just press the stop/start button AND DON’T DO THE RESET.
When you start up Garmin Conenct you might, as I did for this session, have a quick look at what’s there. I spotted the TRAINING-EFFECT=3.1 (=IMPROVING, nice to know). I then checked the same session over at SPORTTRACKS. You have to pull down the CUSTOM DATA FIELDs as shown in the image. TRAINING-EFFECT = 4.8. Same zones; oh well ! Improving more by just switching products.
Anyway that’s not the point.
You will also note in the custom data fields on Sporttracks that the HR Recovery and HR Recovery Decrease fields have been populated. These are calculated onto your 910XT about 2 minutes after you have stopped (but not reset) your session. Largely meaningless for me as I nearly always automatically reset the exercise but, in any case, I don’t stop the session immediately after the hard bit. I keep plodding along until I get home by which time I have already recovered somewhat. So the data then shows me the time taken to recover from my warm down.
Anyway. That’s just me. Hopefully you might find it useful as you may very well do things differently to me and this extra bit of data might be good for you for how you handle analysing your recovery from similar sessions. A measure of increasing fitness or decreasingly fatigue or both; I guess.
You will also see that the custom field TRIMP has been populated…sorry that comes from SportTracks. However you will also see the R-R fields. IF you use the super-duper FIT FILE IMPORTER in SportTracks (by OMB) then you will also get these fields populated, providing you have turned on R-R data recording on your 910XT, here’s how. OR you could have used the wonderful SportTracks based LIVE RECORDING plugin to get these babies populated (perhaps whilst on your turbo). And to do that you don’t even NEED the 910XT just a R-R compatible ANT+ strap (ie most usually the standard Garmin one)…read the LIVE RECORDING link to find out more on that if you want to.