A release candidate version of PulseOn Android application is now available. At the same time, our application is not anymore a beta version. We are live in Google Play Store! From now on you will easily find our app with basic search function in Play Store or by following link:
What is new in this RC 1 version (since beta v1.4)
- Off-hand detection – device does not show heart rate when not worn in hand
- Device off mode corrected – turning power off saves battery for long periods
- Mandatory device software update – application forces update to matching device software
- Loading event screen added on the application
- Distance screen added on the device
- Added languages: French, Spanish, German and Swedish
- Added date and time in US format (mm/dd/yyyy and am/pm)
- Fix for flashing LEDs when taking the device out of the charger
- Bluetooth and synchronization fixes
Thank you very much for your support during our beta phase!