I make no secret of loving the WAHOO TICKR-X. I did what I thought was a mostly glowing review of the WAHOO TICKR-X earlier in 2014.
And then I also covered a bit about how it seems to be the only current way to get pool swim HR combined (albeit tortuously) into a Garmin pool workout.
On Ray Maker’s excellent site he lists some of the impending new features for the TICKR-X. Notably body-weight ‘gym’ exercises. I’ve been playing about with a Suunto SMART HR belt recently, especially in the gym, testing out various watch-free scenarios and then endeavouring to get the data back into Garmin Connect and other places (yes I know I have too much time on my hands). Anyway the TICKR-X gym workouts he lists look likes ones I’ll be following in the future. The TICKR-X data can be used to get HR data back into Garmin Connect (Suunto requires a GPS track to get it from Movescount into Strava and thence to Connect – which you don’t get in the gym session).
Not sure why I want to get the HR data back from a gym session but that’s another story. The ‘effort’ of a gym session and how it stresses the body is (or can be) significant. However using a TRIMP method will not work as TRIMP ‘points’ are only accumulated at the consistent levels of higher HRs found outside of weights. It is possible to do something using a conversion based on the RPE scale but I haven’t got THAT much spare time on my hands :-).