Wahoo Fitness Pluggr

I sort of believed this one for a while , apologies for the poor copying of the Press Release, I’m a bit busy but thought you might like it shared. I particularly liked the SMS vibrate alert…oh dear.!


Introducing the Wahoo Fitness PLUGGR!

Meet the ultimate body tracker!

Wahoo Fitness PLUGGR

Wahoo Fitness PLUGGER
The Wahoo Fitness PLUGGR is the first ever Bluetooth 4.0 enabled suppository motion sensor. It can measure and track your heart rate, motion, body temperature, and digestive regularity.

Features include:

  • Health metrics sent directly to your smart phone via Bluetooth 4.0 technology.
  • Measure digestive health by tracking the frequency, severity, and composition of bowel movements. No more dehydration or constipation!
  • Vibration alerts and electrical stimulus for call, email, and text notification. Reduce the risk of your phone falling in the toilet on bathroom breaks!
  • Special “race mode” featuring BCU (bowel control unit) for pre-race load lightening and race emergency control response.

Get the Wahoo PLUGGR today and enjoy full body tracking in a sleek, soft form!*

Wahoo PLUGGR Squats
Wahoo PLUGGR Run and Bike


If you still need an awesome workout tracker that is REAL, check out the Wahoo TICKRx.
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