Elite HRV v2.0 Released

elite-hrv-v2A significant update yesterday was announced to the Elite HRV app which remains free to use on ANDROID and iOS. Full details are available on the Google Playstore. The Elite HRV app looks at waking readiness based on a single reading, unlike the WHOOP 4 strap which looks at readiness based on a nightly average.

There are many notable changes from earlier versions.

Immediately of note to me was that the developers appear to have fixed Bluetooth compatibility issues with older, apparently compatible, devices. Many devices such as Samsung S3 are Bluetooth Low Energy (BTLE) V4 compatible BUT don’t work with several BTLE-based apps. Yet other apps work. There is a hardware specific workaround and it now appears that Elite HRV has implemented this workaround.

The app contains a LOT of screens as you can see from above. Perhaps too many one might argue. However, the info you need is most likely there alongside some of the excellent analyses.

Some of the screens are clear – for example the MORNING READINESS petrol gauge-like reading. Other screens are perhaps a tad more complex than needs be for what is a relatively focussed and simple piece of data (HRV, that is) albeit arrived in a mathematically ‘complex’ way.

It’s certainly worth a try for those new to HRV and it’s best to give it a go for at least 10 days taking a waking reading before you get out of bed.

The business model appears to be free for individuals for life (at least that was the claim with earlier versions)  with premiums being charged for team usage.

I sill use BioforceHRV and people I work with use ithlete. They are all good products.

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