5k World Record For 9 Year Old

Source: Michael Blum (Dad!?)

November 2014: Zach Blum finishes in 18:30 for road based 5k World Record

2011: Lucas Bourgoyne is the track record holder for 5k at 18:41.3

Those times are obviously fast for kids and super-well done to both of them.

I’m surprised that the ‘record’ is ‘only’ as fast as that though. Several in my peer group have kids (girls & boys) who I’m sure have run not too far off that. Maybe my memory eludes me. Maybe they were a little older.

Edit: Here are some records for Bushy Park…not the fastest parkrun.

Age Category  
Age Grading  
JM1052031/05/2014Bryn DAVIES00:18:5083.81%
JM11-1438610/12/2011Jivendra SINGH00:16:1087.73%
JM15-1738610/12/2011Bradley GOATER00:15:3786.45%
JW1051022/03/2014Anna HEDLEY00:20:0584.98%
JW11-1455807/02/2015Holly PAGE00:18:0786.75%
JW15-1748909/11/2013Sophia PARVIZI-WAYNE00:18:0184.92%


PS IMO it is not a great idea to get your kids to this sort of standard at this age with run-specific training. Variety is key. Wait a few years.

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