A pre-Xmas week-and-a-bit in: Triathlon, Tri Gadgets & Related Tech

A week in: Triathlon, Tri Gadgets & Related Tech, is some of the more interesting bits that flash up on my screen during the week. It could be: some interesting article on triathlon training; a new activity tracker; a new swim watch; a race; or a reminder on a new bit of software or firmware for one of your devices.

Thank you to everyone who drops me a line with interesting titbits. There’s a huge amount of information out there that’s more than a few people can keep tabs of. [Catchup: Here is last week’s]


A bit delayed this week in anticipation of some last minute pre-xmas firmware releases which DID materialise. Nothing now until the New Year. This weekly summary will resume when there is stuff to summarise which might be post CES-2016. We’ll see.

  1. I’m not sure if the Velo Wall Stirrups (above) are a good idea or not. Certainly NOT a bad idea. £85/$150…ouch.
  2. Polar Flow links to STRAVA…finally. Very welcomed.
  3. Garmin Connect supported on Windows 10 (smartphone/windowsphone). This is great news and would have made Garmin one of the few companies to support all platform until…
  4. adidas Train & Run also supported Windowsphone10 in the same week!
  5. More Polar announcements included: fixes for V650 and Flow; updates for Loop 2; and …
  6. The Polar A360’s future plans for Q1+Q2.2016 were announced to support algorithm improvements for high intensity exercise, speed and distance improvements, AND enabling the A360 as a broadcasting Bluetooth HRM.
  7. Tinkering with the Garmin 630/235/230 beta 6.25 firmware to fix minor errors in indoor speed/distance as well as indoor/outdoor stride length.
  8. Bug fixes for Fenix 3 firmware 6.31 beta.
  9. Amongst all of that I’ve lost the reference to the Fenix 3 which says that all the HRM4-RUN lactate stuff from the 630 will also be included (and the forum is down so I can’t find it…sigh!). We can assume it will be in the 920XT as well – which I’m pleasantly surprised about.

Stuff from the5krunner.

A selection of stuff from the5krunner’s week – normally ranges from ‘not very interesting’ to ‘quite interesting’.

There probably won’t be anything too exciting now until the New Year. Although January promises several new product announcement.

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