Polar V800 – New Colours ?

New Polar V800 Strap Colours
New Polar V800 Strap Colours

This HAS been photoshopped, not by me I hasten to add. Rumour has it that Polar are looking to add new strap colours to the V800 (this was from several months ago).

What do you want? New strap colours or a V850/V900 ? 🙂

Although, of course, one option is MUCH easier to do that the other.

Perhaps this may be announced at CES 2016?

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5 thoughts on “Polar V800 – New Colours ?

  1. I’m surprised there was never a yellow model like the RC3 GPS and RC5 but at this point Polar need an actual colour v800 with colour screen. Everything else can be the same down to the software if they like and just use colour for some graphics. At this point, even at £196 (current Amazon price) I won’t buy a v800 because it’s too old and likely to be replaced. It’s a shame, I’ve always wanted one, but next to the Fenix 3 the v800 looks a very poor offering.

    1. in terms of the screen you’re 100% right. FWIW: I’ve been using the v800 a bit over the last few months (alongside ambit3sport and 920xt). It’s actually got pretty good functionality. superior to the 920xt in a few areas…problem with some of the reviews out there is that they are not updated as polar release new firmware. garmin start of with announced features that don’t all work!

      1. That’s the most frustrating thing about Garmin products, hardware is awesome, but their software is horrible and buggy. One the other hand, Polar’s software seems to be a lot better visually and in terms of reliability, but wish their hardware looked better. If you could combine the hardware of Garmin and the software of Polar, it would be a win. 🙂

      2. I like the look of their wrist watches. for me it’s the screen resolution that let’s it down. I’m less keen on their cycling ‘watches’ appearances. but yes I agree with your comments on garmin software…eg last night garmin connect was down even now the export to tcx is still not working. a company that size should do software dev properly

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