The A360 has a couple of sneaky new features including support for the Polar weight scale and a persistent-ON HR display for exercise (battery drain of course if you do).
Polar A360 software update
Remember we gave you a sneak peek about the upcoming feature releases for the Polar A360? Get ready for the first one…
This release (software version 1.1.28) will take your training sessions with your A360 to a whole new level! Now you have the option to keep the display lit for the whole duration of your workout, so you can continuously see your heart rate throughout the session. To enable this feature, simply start your workout, press and continue to press the screen on your A360 until it shows you a light bulb icon. The screen will stay on until you turn it off (by pressing the screen as long as a crossed over light bulb is shown) or until you have finished your session. More on the new feature can be found from this handy support document. Please note that the battery consumption of your A360 will increase if the display is lit during your entire training session.
Also a neat feature to keep you on track – you can see the next upcoming alarm behind the “My day” selection on your A360. Just scroll down the My day -feed to see your alarm which you have set and synced from your Flow app.
To top things off, this release also allows you to connect your A360 with our newest member of the Polar family, Polar Balance.
What kind of person is a Polar user? Someone who doesn’t like Garmin? Serious question.
There’s probably a dissertation waiting to answer that great question. I don’t know. why do people ‘hate’ Microsoft or Apple or Oracle or Garmin? Maybe they ‘love’ that company’s competitor and feel that hate is the appropriate reaction. Maybe they had a bad experience with a particular product and felt cheated. Maybe they perceive a company in terms of the perceived value for money of their pricing. Maybe they like the company’s perceived policy for dealing with bugs and/or releasing products with bugs? Or customer service experiences? In reality Polar and Garmin are both good….even great sometimes. I’ve just this minute finished a session with a Polar A360 and a Garmin 920. I love everything and everyone (maybe, sometimes, perhaps). Polar DO have some features that Garmin do not have, IMO Polar have prettier products that I prefer to wear.
would say they put more efforts on ID and on HW engineering side, might be not the fastest one around but if they release something it usually works as promised without waiting for 5 or 6 firmware updates until he promised features are up&running, the updates like above they said clearly during launch that will something will coming in future instead indicating it’s already available, maybe a bit different philosophy in product making behind… just my few cents