Garmin: New Smart Watch Model on June 10??

So we now have “proof” of a Friday June 10th announcement of a new garmin. Well…proof of something.

the rumoured ‘two’ smartwatches appear to be just one watch but two different regional variations. From the FCC filing, image below, you may well conclude we have a round Garmin Fenix 4. Or a not-so-exciting Swim 2. Or the even less excitingly just announced VIVOMOVE.

I delved about a bit on the site and there are some phots of one of the units opened up. *BUT* it looks like the innards of the latest vivosmart hr.

I’ll go back to sleep now.

fcc © 2010-2025

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6 thoughts on “Garmin: New Smart Watch Model on June 10??

  1. Yust for the info:
    The two x2784 fcc are the announced vivomove (the 10 june date is the standard fcc date+6 weeks, no new announcement just access too test photo’s and some other manuals)
    The x2933 is indeed the already announced Vivosmart HR Golf, nothing new.

    Stil nothing beside pool usage spotting of the new watch (swim2)
    The vivomove is clearly another watch (button wise/screen wise)
    We will keep waiting

    1. I wrote the “The x2933 is indeed the already announced Vivosmart HR Golf, nothing new.”
      Well it seems there is a non golf version also. (don’t ask me why they first “released” the GPS golf version and later the normal GPS version (as i thought the normal (GPS) version was announced already).
      So now we have the:
      – Vivosmart HR Golf GPS official named Approach X40
      – Garmin Vivosmart HR GPS official named as is.
      Similair but not the same.

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