The price of the Polar M450 (reviewed here) has dropped massively in the UK to an incredible £86. About 20% lower than it’s lowest previous price.
If you are not familiar with the Polar products then have a look below at the links just quickly to see the V650. The V650 is a larger navigational unit WITH A BETTER SCREEN.
So the M450 is functionally great but the screen needs updating. Might these price drops herald a replacement M450 with a better screen and a few more peripheral features? Like many products these days its core functionality to support ‘proper sports’ is already there and sound. It just needs prettifying and stravaing up-like additions.
On the other hand the M400 has dropped below £100 before but has not yet been replaced. Again that needs prettifying too following the same argument for the M450.
Polar M400 | £115.00 | Link | $157.00 | Link |
Polar M450 | £86.93 | Link | $140.18 | Link |
Polar V650 | £159.90 | Link | $220.00 | Link |
Polar V800 | £253.31 | Link | $351.00 | Link |