Garmin Fenix 5 – interesting pre-order sales indicators

Garmin Fenix 5
Amazon UK

It seems that pre-orders for the new Fenix 5 range have taken Garmin a little by surprise.

There are essentially 3 model formats/types: Fenix 5s (small wristed version), Fenix 5 (normal version), Fenix 5x (larger, map version).

It’s no surprise that pre-orders are at a good level. HOWEVER what is the surprise is that a LARGE number of orders are being placed for the top-end Fenix 5X model.

We can only speculate why:

  1. Latest, greatest top-of-the-range is the must-have.
  2. Early adopters are more tech- and feature-focussed
  3. Buyers want maps
  4. Pose value

Garmin obviously realise this. Maybe they are adjusting their production accordingly? Maybe there will be short-term shortages of the 5x? (There is).

The Fenix 5, 5s and 5x are now generally shipping in most countries.

The come in. They go out VERY quickly. Power Meter City

The 5 and 5s are now shipping from Amazon in the UK and all of the 5x, 5 and 5s from Power Meter City in the USA – . Thank you.

As of 17March there are still a few select anomalies where, for example, the 5x is only available in the UK at selected stores, well, Cotswold! (Check return policy, no affiliation to this blog). The 5x will very soon be at Amazon.

There is 10% off most stuff at Power Meter City in the USA with the coupon / discount / promo code: the5krunner10. HOWEVER It will not work for the Fenix 5 as cashback there will only be a 10% store credit instead. That will be at list-price everywhere for some time, plus Garmin frown upon discounting in any case while products are under “MAP“. Occasionally some naughty resellers do discount but then get into trouble. Tut, tut.



power meter city
  Fenix 5 at PMC


Garmin Fenix 5
Best  REI/Wiggle/PMC price is linked to. Prices are about Eur480/$420/£430 and will stay around that level until 2019. .
Garmin Fenix 5S
Best  REI/Wiggle/PMC price is linked to. Prices are about Eur495/$550/£425 and will stay around that level until 2019 but sale prices will come and go. .
Garmin Fenix 5X
Best  REI/Wiggle/PMC price is linked to. Prices are about Eur700/$620/£530 and will stay around that level until 2019 but sale prices will come and go. . © 2010-2025

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7 thoughts on “Garmin Fenix 5 – interesting pre-order sales indicators

  1. Personally i’m not surprised by how many are going for the 5X. The physical size is not all that different from the current F3HR, and then there is the EPIX community that have nowhere to go since Garmin stopped supporting that watch. What I don’t like is how they tied (2) items to the bottom tier (for lack of a better descriptor) and jacked the cost for them….without map support.

    For the same price as the 5x, the 5 and 5S can be made with both sapphire glass and WiFi…but without the maps. In the case of the upper version of the 5S, that comes with a decreased battery size. The upper 5 is the same thing, just smaller than the 5X. We can debate all day about features and features you need; but when your product line facilitates “options” without real choice, of course most will gravitate to one that has more under the hood.

    I am paraphrasing the theory here, but there is a line of reasoning that people will always use the single most powerful item over something that might just get the job done. Why bother with the item that has the tools to do the job at hand, when you can have the tool that can do everything?! In the case of the 5X, it does everything the lower model(s) does and more and does it for the same price as the prior. Your choice is in the size and are you willing to spend more for less?

    As for pre orders…most of us here in the states are waiting for REI preorders to begin. The company has a ridiculous return policy if you are a member ($20 for lifetime). You have a full YEAR to return anything you have bought from them–regardless to the shape it is in. No box? doesn’t matter. Smashed it with a mallet? Yep, here’s your money back. And that return policy just recently changed…it used to be for life, like you bought a pair of hiking socks 10 years ago and have used them for that long…you could have returned it. They also have a yearly dividend payout (March/April) of 10% of all your purchases. The products they sell aren’t cheap, but they are quality and at least in my local stores; they know what they are talking about.

    1. thanks Justin. yes I like your theory and of course people might want to hedge against what they might ‘need’ in the future by buying a superior model to their needs. Yep I knew about REI, I hope people don’t abuse the generosity of their excellent policy.

      1. Love REI too. Fully agree with “I hope people don’t abuse the generosity of their excellent policy”.

    2. I’m an REI member but I’m always skeptical of the value of their dividends. Aside from their garage sales, I’ve never found a full price or on sale item in store that I couldn’t find cheaper online somewhere. The return policy is good though! As for the watch, I really wanted to like the maps but something tells me the screen will be too small to actually care to use them so I went ahead and preordered the 5.

  2. You can pre order them at mysportsandmore They will also take your old watch/phone/games console etc in part exchange

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