PMC expect to see the first units arriving in EARLY APRIL. If you want a 935 before the tri season starts NOW could be a good time to book one. Good luck!
It looks like Wiggle may have the UK exclusivity on the 935 for a while for those of you who want to pre-order over here.
There is 10% off most stuff at Power Meter City with the coupon / discount / promo code: the5krunner10. HOWEVER It will not work for the Forerunner 935. Sorry – there will be a 10% store credit instead for Garmin products. That will be at list-price everywhere for some time, plus Garmin sternly frown upon discounting in any case while products are under MAP.
I will update this post with links to Amazon and with links in the UK as they surface. It looks like Garmin may have been bumped into an early release as too much information was leaking out before the official date. Maybe.

They are in stock at but only for UK orders, not to the rest of Europe. People that ordered yesterday have received them already today.
ty. I think wiggle might have the exclusive stock for a few weeks?
I believe in Denmark it is illegal for a manufacturer to determine at what price a product should be sold in retail. It is ok for them to suggest a price but they are not able to force it.
that may well be true in many countries.
some laws are not enforceable in many circumstances.
So are you saying Garmin does illegal business practice and are enforcing resellers to sell at list price? Watch your words
Even though the product is not ready to buy yet in Denmark I have found resellers where you can preordrer below the list price. Only problem that the discount is so small that it doesn’t really matter…
I also have my eye on a 735 XT it is a about 50% cheaper! But I like like the 935 🙂 decisions decisions…
I have no idea what Garmin do in Denmark nor what Danish law is. I was commenting generally
I think this is my new watch, finally. Just not at £470. I’ll wait until Amazon uk lists them and price goes down a bit. And fingers crossed for typical Garmin bugs.
I was at the Garmin stand at the London marathon expo and a guy there basically told me wiggle has dole rights in uk sales for about 7 weeks ish, so I guess after that your start seeing a little cheaper on amazon and other sellers!
maybe. amazon is not always cheaper. depends on supply/demand and whether amazon stock and sell themselves or if a company selling through amazon marketplace.