Zwift Pod Review (Reviewed as Milestone Pod)
This Zwift Pod Review includes a brief overview and a more detailed look at the differing aspect of the POD.

The Zwift POD has been around for a few years. It is now on its third hardware iteration and has moved on considerably from it’s first appearance as a souped-up shoe mileage tracker.
It currently has: some rather clever nuances; interesting levels of accuracy; and a low price tag. Q3.2017 looks to see some of the running metrics being broadcast over Bluetooth that are currently (10July2017) only visible ‘after-the-fact’ on the Milestone app.
Let’s take a look at the current version which has just got all the new released functionality (13 Jul 2017) and more on 5Dec2017
It’s a low-cost running gait pod for Bluetooth Low Energy devices which include: Polar V800, M400 and M430; Suunto Ambit3 and SPARTAN; Garmin Fenix 5 and 935 series. Interestingly it also work with ZWIFT RUN, STRAVA and several other running apps.
It’s a footpod that is powered by a CR2032 battery and is easily transferable between shoes.
The free companion app tracks your shoe mileage and gives you various bits of feedback on your runs.
You can even subscribe to personalised feedback which, after your run, comes in the form of an email giving you tips on how to, for example, improve your ground contact time.
Pretty simply you just attach it on to your running shoes by going over two laces; pair to your watch/app and run. There are no buttons to press.
As you run, you look at the ‘standard’ data on your 3rd party app or supported watch. Additionally, or instead, you synchronise with the MILESTONE app when you get back home to delve deeper into the running data.
You also get: footstrike (mid, fore, heel); rate of impact; leg swing; and the proprietary RUNFICIENCY metric on the app.
The app has some straightforward and nice charts showing how stride-length, GCT, cadence and RUNFICIENCY all vary with PACE.
The RUNFICIENCY metric is a composite of the other metrics and is actually good at focussing the mind on improvement. Much more so than knowing your GCT is 218ms…what would that mean to you?
Anecdotally it seems in line with some of the comparable metrics on Garmin Connect and it generally agrees with my view of myself as a runner.
For example, it says I could swing my ankle higher and that my RUNFICIENCY is 88% – I’d agree with that. However, it sometimes says I heel- and mid-strike approximately equally and, on those occasions, I would say that was wrong and that I fore and mid-strike approximately 20:80 when ‘fresh’ (and the wear on the sole of my running shoes would agree with me on that analysis) – the accuracy of the footstrike categorisation does seem to vary somewhat from run-to-run.
After my first runs I can’t be definitive. However the distance recorded seems reasonable even when uncalibrated. Others report ‘GOOD’ accuracy when calibrated…I’ll withhold judgement on that for a while.
When comparing INSTANT PACE on one watch with that on another watch worn at the same time there is a clear improvement over basic GPS-derived instant pace. The instant pace from the Zwift Pod seems broadly in line with a Garmin footpod, maybe a bit better. It does not seem as accurate as STRYD – which often seems ‘spot on’ but, of course, carries a significantly higher price tag. Let’s see later what further calibration brings.
- The ‘trick’ to get instant pace from the pod is to use your watch’s menus to configure the paired pod as the only source of speed/distance (ie as if you were running indoors without GPS). You should still get your usual GPS track of your run to admire once you’ve finished.
- If you are a runner who runs by miles in the bag, then you can leave your watch at home and just use the POD, the data is cached and synchronised later.
- As-of 10July 2017 you will need the BETA firmware to get the functionality I describe in this post. You can get this enabled if you email your device’s unique MAC address (it’s on the box) to Milestone’s support desk: su*****@mi**********.com.
- Run detection is automatic and based on an increase in cadence to over 140spm.
- The device seems to work with placement on any position on the laces. Other comments note a high position is best away from the toe.
- The app has a data export option to a spreadsheet for those of you who want to play with the numbers. Data export is not really needed for people running ‘normally’.
- Calibration is done on the app and the calibration value is then saved to the POD. Thus, when used on a sports watch, no calibration is required and any calibration factor on the watch should be set to 1.000 .To calibrate, you run a known distance and then enter the ‘correct’ distance in the app against the recorded distance. It’s probably best to repeat this a few times and varying speeds.
- It will and does pair to the Garmin Fenix 5 series and the Garmin 935 as they support Bluetooth Low Energy Sensors.
- The app estimates and displays battery status
- The app automatically prompts to update firmware when it’s available.
- Pairing and syncing to Android work for me but sometimes repeated attempts were made eg to upgrade the firmare
- The app handles multiple pods each belonging to a shoe pair until the pair are ‘retired’.
- When the LED turns RED it’s time to buy some new shoes 😉
Here are two slide shows.
The first shows some of the screens on the app. They are nice and simple and have, very much, a parkrun-aesthetic about them. The general flow and cleanness of the app is good.
The second slideshow shows some images of the ZWIFT POD pairing to various watches – I’d still refer you to the link at the start of this post that shows the officially supported watches. I have not fully tested the ZWIFT with all of these watches. All those listed as supported seemed to pair except the Polar M400 which did not seem to want to play ball.
It’s a cool little device.
Even as a basic footpod, for pace and cadence, the price makes it a ‘no-brainer’.
BUT you also get a neat gait-analysis app thrown in AND you get what looks to be a fairly accurate pace sensor – certainly ‘usable’ unlike the GPS on your watch for ‘instant’ pace.
To track shoe mileage you really need one POD per shoe pair. At $20 I’d do that but I might think twice at £30.
Personally, I prefer to use STRYD for a few other reasons but STRYD is notably more expensive. I would say that I ALWAYS use a pod when I want to run to certain pace targets, most notably in shorter intervals. I used to use Garmin pods (I think I have 3) but STRYD has weaned me off Garmin and my recent semi-conversion to Suunto & Polar has forced me to use a Polar STRIDE sensor because of Bluetooth. I guess I’d have no problems using the Zwift POD there and superficially the Zwift POD might even be more accurate.
- For super accuracy with running pace and running power go for STRYD
- For ‘pro’ gait metrics go for RUNSCRIBE PRO.
- For more interactive run coaching go for SHFT

Prices tend to hover up to around US$/Eu/£30 and there is generally good stock although it did seem to sell out in May/June 2017.

For the UK and Europe, I partner with the retailer New Running Gear you can get a 10% discount on most things by using the code TFK10 directly with their site as you would with any other online coupon or online promotion.
Thanks for the review. Just picked one up and upgraded it (no longer beta to broadcast) will go on my first run tomorrow and see how it does, both with the FR935 and later in the app.
Would be nice when a temperature sensor would be build in. Maybe for gen 5?
(One shoe with a Stryd, the other one with ~tempe~ a MilestonePod, which then would track automatically shoe-life and give temperature.)
Sorry for my bad English! I think that if you make the calibration by the app, the istant pace showed on the watch (i.i Polar M400) during the run will be wrong. Or not?
Thank you
Ettore Copola
Sorry! Now I understood that the calibration made by app goes to be applyed on the pod.
An important question. I dont’understand your trip about calibration.
How can I do calibration by App, if on the app I dont’know where the test-run (2 tracks for 800 meters) begins and where finishes? I think that I see on the App a graph; but how can I cut the whole run only to the 2 rounds of track to indicate that are 800 meters?
Sorry for my English.
tip not trip…
I’ve been using the Milestone pod for 5 months now. It’s generally very accurate in terms of distance and pace. I’ve noticed however that it doesn’t measure the distance correctly when it’s slippery/icy/snowy outside – then the POD just goes crazy and adds 4-6% of distance. I’ve noticed that on many occasions. I’ve never noticed such issues with the Stryd pod.
hmm. interesting.
i’d agree it’s generally accurate enough
taking it to other extreme i wonder if it would be MORE accurate with spikes on a track.
Well, I cannot recommend the Milestone Pod. I used it on many different shoes, and the result is far from accurate. Not only does it register 100% heel strikes, despite my soles showing no wear at the heel, and are all flat under the ball of my feet, distance is way off as well. I know GPS in a large city isn’t the most accurate, but I’m looking at easily 150% the measured distance vs GPS out of the box. Granted, I didn’t calibrate it on a track, but according to the compayn that’s not necessary.
Another thing is, that if like many runners you rotate lots of different shoes, the pod will be off (unless you buy a unit for each seperate pair, which puts you into STRYD territory) as well, because apparently their algorithms take the shoe model into account (first and foremost drop, from what I gathered).
All in all, I used it maybe five times, and put it back in its box. Too much hassle, and the data is of no use to me. I’ve been a premium member of Strava for some years now, which takes care of my tracking shoes’ distance, and I rather pay a lab once a year to re-assess my running form.
I really had high expectations after reading good reviews on the web (I think even Sage Canaday used one at some point), so don’t mistake this as a rent. However, after having tried it myself, I have to admit it’s more of a gadget than a serious tool.
I hear you. The most serious tool is STRYD tho and unfortunately that’s in a different price bracket entirely.
Hi, good review, thank you. will it be compatible with my polar vantage m?
I mean will my watch display all info for the pod while also recording gps?
just the speed /distance IIRC
Thanks you for your reply, I only need real time pace as I don’t think real time pace on my vantage is usable.
Won’t it show cadence as well?
yes IIRC it will show cadence
Hi, I have a question.
I run with polar vantage m and I did some intervals today. I can’t rely on instant pace from the watch so purchase this pod.
Now, I used it yesterday for the first time and the pace shown on the milestone app was significantly slower than the one from the watch. This was at the end of the run, albeit not calibrated.
I used it today again while doing my intervals but this time I paired it with my watch.
Results as below:
Polar flow:
Distance 5.32
Pace (from the pod) 5.41
Strava (usually same as flow with no pod, which is understandable as from gps.
Distance 5.32
Pace 5.30
Milestone app
Distance 5.45
But pace 5.31
These are averages. All over the place. Which do I believe?
Distance on strava and flow is same but there’s a difference in pace. Also on strava shorter moving time. I slowed down significantly (intervals) so may have cut out a segment where I was slow.
Another question why when painted won’t the watch pod doesn’t need to be calibrated?
Hi 5kRunner,
i’ve paired the milestonepod with Suunto Spartan ultra,
Configuration of it on watch is with “Auto Calibration” off
I’ve calibrated the pod for the distance I’ve run.
and this is the result:
SSU –> 13,47km, 4:28/km 1h0 time
Milestone Pod 11,59km 5:11 1h0 time <— THAT's REAL and well measured
How can I achieve the same info in watch as it is in the MilestonePod
Thanks in advance 😉