IMUK Bolton Weather – Journey Nears The End

I’ll take that weather.

A little bit of everything more than I’d like (rain, temp wind) but fine and could have easily been a  whole lot worse. Although knowing the West Coast it still may well be worse yet.

I have my new deeper rimmed front wheel, a Mavic CXR 60, on the front and an 80mm on the rear. So they can stay on and I’ll take a spare…just in case. They both have a special aero rim-to-tyre fairing which I will find out the name for one day and bore you about it.

Registration closes at 1PM folks so you need to get up early tomorrow (like me) and drive a long way (unless you are already there).

Still a bit concerned about nutrition. Apparently there are not too many gels on the bike route so I’ve just put one of those silly bags on my frame to hold a few…stuff the rest up my tri-suit legs. Sorted. Couple of water bottle cages…sorted, again.

Bike route recce? Yep, youtube is handy for that. It doesn’t look steep on youtube, but the guy was panting. It’ll be fine. Hilly run route. It’ll be fine, just slow down on the uphill bits (ha ha I ‘ve got a STRYD). Rain cooling the lake down. It’ll be fine.  Gusts of wind taking your disc away. It’ll be fine.


  • Finishing? Barring a broken chain, crash or shredded tyre I’ll finish the bike. Barring cramp or a recurrence of some injury from the good old days I will finish the marathon.
  • Qualification? Apparently this event counts as a qualifier for the ETU Powerman Long Distance Duathlon in September so a sneaky 120% of the AG winner’s bike+run time could prompt me on a trip to Zof. That would be the next milestone as opposed to Kona…the latter of which is not even in my dreams (the underwear party puts me off dreaming about it)
  • I should be able to just make page 1 of the Ironman online results page (Age Group). That would be awesome.
  • Beating some mates’ times from Roth last weekend is going to be tricky-cum-impossible as I reckon Roth is about an hour faster. I do have one or two slower friends luckily enough.
  • Or it could go horribly, horribly wrong with cramp knocking off an extra hour. Then maybe I’d be on page 3. Now there’s probably a witty comment there to be had (UK thing).

Alcohol in the evening? Probably. © 2010-2025

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2 thoughts on “IMUK Bolton Weather – Journey Nears The End

  1. ooh good luck with the age group results. Hah, fingers crossed you won’t get the page 3 fame. Have you done this one before? I’m definitely keen to take on IM but no idea what’s a good UK location.

    1. no first one. the 2x IMs in the uk are wales and Bolton. wales is even harder. you’d do copenhage as the easiest it think. non-branded events like OUTLAW in the UK are MUCH flatter

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