Garmin Edge 1030 & Firstbeat – Some Clarity


Many of Firstbeat’s leading-edge metrics have found their way into the Edge 1030 announced today, 29 August. We have known about them all before but here is a handy guide as to what is new for the Edge products, what the metrics actually mean (via a link) and which need a powermeter to work.

First up: They all require a HRM

  • Training Load (new to Edge series in the 1030) – 7 day averages based on EPOC
  • Aerobic Training Effect (new to Edge series in the 1030)
  • Anaerobic Training Effect (new to Edge series in the 1030)
  • Training Status (new to Edge series in the 1030, needs a power meter) derived from VO2max changes and Training Load
  • VO2max (needs a power meter)
  • Performance Condition (needs a power meter)
  • Functional Threshold Power (FTP) (needs a power meter), requires chest strap (see below comments)
  • Recovery Time
  • Stress Score requires chest strap (see below comments)
  • Calories Burned

Source: HB@Firstbeat

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2 thoughts on “Garmin Edge 1030 & Firstbeat – Some Clarity

  1. Which ones require only HR (i.e. work with optical HR sensors) and which require HRV (i.e. R-R which isn’t reliable with optical) ?

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