| New | Garmin Connect *MOBILE* rolls out workout CREATION feature

Garmin Connect Mobile Workout CreatorI finally updated my Garmin Connect Mobile iOS app today and was pleasantly surprised to get the new workout creation facility. Here are a few screenshots with some comments afterwards


  • It’s been in beta and known about for some time
  • The same functionality is on android too.
  • Workouts sync across all net/ios/android devices…and hence to your sports device by your chosen connection/device
  • The flow for creating a workout is very similar to Garmin Connect online…just on an app instead. It’s probably a fraction clunkier in places as a result but perfectly good for the purpose
  • There might be subtle differences in precisely how the workout creation works but I couldn’t particularly see any.
  • The slideshow specifically highlights that custom zones can be created in a workout. for example to set custom bike power zones (no running power zones of course) – I only showed that as someone was asking about that only this week.

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1 thought on “| New | Garmin Connect *MOBILE* rolls out workout CREATION feature

  1. I just got the option to switch over to the beta version of the app (android). Love the card interface. it looks a lot like how the Fitbit app looked. The watch sync is a tad slow, but having everything in a scrolling line of things is way better than having to swipe to each thing over and over.

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