| Top Bundle Deals | STRYD + 235 or SPARTAN – great running with power starter combo


A Great UK deal for runners wanting to start out running with power with STRYD.

Well 2 deal bundles to be precise.

You can get the Garmin Forerunner 235+STRYD for £350 or the Suunto Spartan SPORT WHR + STRYD for £300.

Both are great options. The SPARTAN probably has more accurate hardware and the Garmin more software features.

Don’t forget the uber-cheap running pod for Bluetooth watches and smartphone apps…Milestone POD







Price, Availability & Discount Code

I partner directly with STRYD in the USA and their distributor New Running Gear in the EU. The images below take you through to whatever current deal on STRYD there is at any given time in the USA/Canada. Thank you!

stryd discount code coupon offer special price



Best REI/Wiggle/PMC price is linked to. .

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2 thoughts on “| Top Bundle Deals | STRYD + 235 or SPARTAN – great running with power starter combo

  1. Dang, missed this one.
    I’d be interested in a Stryd pod bundled with the Spartan trainer or another credible tri watch. Any similarly priced bundles on the horizon that you know of?

    1. newrunning gear are planning to do stryd bundle deals over this sale weekend. not sure of the timing.
      i’d assume dit was the trainer and/or the 235 bundled with stryd but have not had that confirmed. is the kreisleriana@… email correct?

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