TomTom Announces Redundancies – And a new Garmin next week?

tomtom logoSome sad news today from TomTom (link to: as 136 roles have been made redundant of which 57 are in the Netherlands. I would suspect a few 10s might be in London.



Amsterdam, 29 September 2017, 11:00 am CET – TomTom (TOM2) today reconfirmed its strategy to build on its leading position in navigation technologies and to provide location content, software and services to business customers.

In line with the strategic review announced in the Q2 2017 quarterly results, TomTom is reorganising parts of its Consumer Sports business. As a result, 136 roles have been made redundant, of which 57 are in the Netherlands.

TomTom will continue to sell consumer sports products, and support its Sports customers.

This information comes as no surprise as similar, negative information has been circulating for a few months, as mentioned here (link to:

For followers of tech Garmin will be announcing a new watch next week (link to: If you click through to it you might be able to figure out what it is. (Edit: Eli, below, says it’s not a watch) © 2010-2025

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11 thoughts on “TomTom Announces Redundancies – And a new Garmin next week?

  1. I saw the FCC when it was published an hour ago, but I’m not quite sure is a watch. Maybe a new Born?

    If you scroll to Label Sample, it says that to show the model number you have to press mute and rec for five seconds.

    It’s weird that it’s shown on a round watch face, though…

      1. Yust came by to see if you received more information.
        From the manual: its a GPS receiver, media player, and display unit offering navigation and other information for the user. It has no internal battery and relies solely on external power

      2. So, it’s either a car/marine GPS unit or some new product to supplement the wearables line. Interesting.. possibly.

  2. A little more realistic is the new General Display Unit (GDU-470)
    The GDU 4xx Cockpit Display software received an update last week which could include support for this new one.

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