Suunto: New SPARTANs for 2018?

There are probably one or two more variants possible based on the SPARTAN SPORT/ULTRA. I liked the BARO but have to confess at not being able to guess what will come next for the SPORT/ULTRA.

We could possibly look forward to a Suunto D watch variant of some sort – ie a Dive watch. Or maybe a “Kailash” or “Essential” version of the SPORT/ULTRA.

On the other hand, the SPARTAN TRAINER is more of a fertile hunting ground for 2018’s SPARTAN-based speculation.


Suunto Spartan Baro Review


The AMBIT3 range had the PEAK, SPORT, VERTICAL and RUN variants.

There were some differences between them (here) such as: water resistance; weight; construction materials; GLONASS; GPS recording rate; barao/altimeter; fitness test; cycling power features; temperature; tide; and pressure.

But to make a potentially long story very much shorter let’s just say that the existing SUUNTO SPARTAN TRAINER (one of the best budget triathlon watches) is the TRIATHLON-LITE watch and the next year I reckon we will see a SPARTAN SPORT marketed as a running watch. Let’s say the name SUUNTO SPARTAN TRAINER RUN is as good as any.

And on that note, dear reader, I bid you a fond MERRY CHRISTMAS or Happy Holidays, or whatever you want to call it (celebration of capitalism is my favourite). You know what I mean.

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9 thoughts on “Suunto: New SPARTANs for 2018?

  1. Maybe a Baro version!? I am thinking about the Amber and Sandstone colour variations seen on some website.

      1. I have seen on their website the option to customize the externals a watch (Ambit), maybe they offer the same for the spartan line?

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