Fitbit Hits 25m Active Users

Fitbit Ionic Review


Fitbit have just announced that they have 25 million active users.

That’s quite a lot. Although I’m not quite sure what an inactive user would be…think about it.

Fitbit make several claims including:

  • Fitbit Charge 2 is the top-selling fitness tracker in the U.S.
  • More than 20 million people using Feed within the Fitbit app
  • The Fitbit app remains the #1 health and fitness app on both iOS and Android in the U.S (actually I’m quite pleased with myself for pointing out pretty much the same thing yesterday)


The same Fitbit press release had a few other bland one liners like “we strategically entered the smartwatch category with Fitbit Ionic at a time when consumers are moving to smarter, fuller featured devices“, but then did not say how that strategy was panning out.

ESSENTIAL READING: Fitbit Ionic Review

Fitbit doomed? © 2010-2025

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6 thoughts on “Fitbit Hits 25m Active Users

  1. Every time I look at “The Feed”…it’s either a bunch of Facebook repost crap, or dude/chicks flexing their booty.

  2. ‘active users’ means constantly using their trackers and sync to the app the data or? Then 25Mill is a lot!

    1. i was thinking what an INactive user was? not a user surely?
      So surely an ‘active user’ is a ‘user’?
      I’m only a pedant 76.5% of the time 😉
      But, yes, 25m is a lot whichever way you count it

  3. I would love to see that active user breakdown. White Collar professionals are the biggest users (from what I see in my line of work). Marketers, middle management, financial workers, usually those with family and kids; they all have one, and why not? Fitbit is known for being the most passive of the devices to use. Not a lot is needed to set one up or to maintain. Put it on, and really you could just forget about it. It’s the one thing Fitbit is king of.

    Still, I have to wonder–are they using it because out of choice, or just because they own an android phone. How many own and use a Fitbit AND own an iPhone? That there is a interesting part of the demo I would like to know more about; and I bet Apple would too.

    1. Fitbit have a lot of corporate customers
      that’s a good way in to the market. First up you sell to the right people …in bulk.
      those same people then get a good fitbit experience with the app/online infrastructure (as you say it just works without having to do much)
      they then end up buying fitbits for aprents kids and relations/friends. I’m guilty of the fitbit presents myself, i just dont want to end up being tech support for people!

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