Garmin Running Power – Updated

Garmin Running Power Jan 2018Garmin’s Running Power app today just crossed over the 8000 downloads. That’s a lot of people running with power. Downloads have more than doubled from 3445 on 18th December. But that’s still behind STRYD (>10,000) despite Christmas and despite Garmin Running Power being free.

I’m not so sure of the quality of the power data behind the app, but the app is well thought out. It’s strange that Garmin haven’t nominated themselves for the CIQ ‘developer of the year’ (links to: Perhaps modesty kicked in? (Have a look at that link there are a few gems amongst the other stuff nominated for the awards)

I’m finding quite a lot of variability in the Garmin Running Power reading. Variability is lessened when using STRYD or another footpod but the GPS speed source is probably OFTEN the cause of the power figures wandering by many 10s of watts. I’ve got to the point where the Garmin Running Power was ‘nice to have a play with’ but it’s time to free up that data field on my watch and stop distracting me from the STRYD power data field which I trust SIGNIFICANTLY more to give an actionable figure.

I’ve just figured out the probable cause of my imports going wrong when using Golden Cheetah. Around 17 January 2018 Golden Cheetah suddenly seemed to start taking Garmin Running Power rather than STRYD power. This, of course, totally messed up my data. Grrrr. Or it could have been STRYD battery issues aka me not charging it properly but it seems a strange coincidence.

The Garmin app changed on 17 January to support the FR645 and FR645M. As well as fixing a bug it also added “Support for display of power on 3rd party websites“. That was probably it!

Garmin Running Power :: Garbage In…Garbage Out?


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7 thoughts on “Garmin Running Power – Updated

    1. my iphone owning family member is currently refusing access.
      my ipad appears to have an old version so i haven’t seen the app

      i had glanced through the amrketing and it looks interesting as, often, power insights are – be it elsewhere on STRYD’s powercentre or in xert on goldencheetah

  1. Is there a way to see both GRP and Stryd power in Golden Cheetah? Turns out ok in Garmin connect but in Golden Cheetah only GRP shows up.

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