Garmin Edge 130 – FCC Filing

Garmin Edge on the wahoo kickr kickr17 smart trainer review
Not the Edge 130 but it is this shape

The new Garmin Edge 130 will probably be announced very soon (link to: fcc, thank you RB)


A Look At The Specs – Linked to below

EDIT: 520 vs Edge 130 vs Edge 520 PLUS Comparison Specs – Not a review


Shock ! It’s going to be an entry-levelish bike computer 😉

We’ve seen that the Edge 200 is effectively discontinued and that the current lower-end Garmin models are: the basic Edge 25 models; and the notably higher spec’d and quite nice Edge 520 (link to: My crystal ball tells me that the Edge 200 will be “somewhere in between“, in terms of features. We shall find out in detail around the 3rd of May 2018 as that is when other documents are publically available.

The current Edge 25 (Q3.2015) was GPS+GLONASS and able to connect to sensors but, crucially, not a power meter. But it supports previously high-end features like LIVE TRACKING.

Maybe it will support bluetooth sensors? Maybe it will sneak in a few Firstbeat features? No doubt it will support Live tracking and maybe Group tracking as well. Maybe it will somehow be a marketeers ‘perfect match‘ for on-trend Zwift?

Edge 25

The truth will be in the announcement. And the thing to watch out for, even though you have zero interest in buying one, is what feature set Garmin now considers to be ‘standard’. This then might give us some more clues for the upcoming Edge 530/830. Or not.

So we are certainly looking at something that should be more than able to compete with Wahoo’s mini but how will it stand compared to many of the other less familiar brands like Lezyne (Super GPS, review) who have great features around the $/£150 mark? Garmin tend to premium-price all their new products and this will probably be no exception. Though, to be fair, most new products seem to be thought of more highly by the vendor than the waiting public.

Enlightened? Sorry !

WAHOO, elemnt, bolt, mini
How do they all stack up?



2024 Garmin Sports Watch & Bike Computer Update: All new & current Bike/Run/Tri/Fitness Models with GPS. Rumors + dates for all Garmin Gadgets & Wearables, Apple, Polar, Suunto, Wahoo too

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2 thoughts on “Garmin Edge 130 – FCC Filing

  1. Whether riding on singletrack, wide-open trails or busy city streets, the 1.8-inch sunlight-readable display gives cyclists a crisp view of the screen while the five-button design provides greater ease of use on any terrain.

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