935 sale, Edge 130 PRE-ORDERS, Stages close out, powerpod sale

Here are some early season special deals and sales if you would like to grab yourself a great deal in the process.

Edge 130 and 520plus PRE-ORDERS

The new Edge 520 plus IS superior to the old 520, offering CIQ3 support and mapping enhancements.

The compact Edge 130 IS an interesting beast offering low-cost power meter support, GALILEO support, and ‘dumb display’ support for your 935/Fenix.

Detailed info, link to the5krunner.com

You can NOW pre-order the new Garmin Edge 130 and Edge 520 plus in the USA and get store credit.

Link to: PowerMeterCity.com


Best REI/Wiggle/PMC price is linked to. Bundle prices approx $250 or £250 or Eu250 and UNlikely to fall below 200 in 2018.

Garmin Forerunner 935 Sale

It’s an unusual time for a sale…just as demand picks up. Hey! A sale is a sale is a sale. The Garmin Forerunner 935 is the best ever tri watch. I use one….

Garmin Forerunner 935
Best REI/Wiggle/PMC price is linked to. Prices are about Eur450/$420/£430 and will stay around that level until Summer 2019. .

Stages Close Out

When they are gone. They are gone. Stages on Ultegra.

Look that’s cheaper than the 105 gen3 from STAGES….

Best REI/Wiggle/PMC price is linked to. Over $/£/Eu500 and will not fall in 2018.

Powerpod sale

The powerpod even makes it into the Best Power Meter guide…at least for one category.

Best REI/Wiggle/PMC price is linked to. Over $320/£250/Eu300 and will fall periodically in 2018.

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2 thoughts on “935 sale, Edge 130 PRE-ORDERS, Stages close out, powerpod sale

  1. The Edge 130 is being announced in conjunction with the 2018 Sea Otter Classic in Monterey, CA, and can be seen at the Garmin booth (#184).

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