Fitness Data – Sync’ing – tapiriik, syncmytracks, fitnesssyncer … gossip

You have probably heard of, you can sync all the following fitness/sports data services, shown in the image below, to your heart’s content


Image links to:

Of course you can, for example, avoid the exorbitant $2 a year fee and link the likes of Garmin and STRAVA directly together. But those direct service-to-service links are far from available in every possible combination of sports data service.

What I specifically like about Tapiriik though is the ability to sync to DROPBOX. One of my sidelines is age group duathlon coaching (tri too) and a great way for other people to get raw data files to me is through dropbox. My athletes can automate that with tapiriik…cool.

You already knew that. You are a clever bunch.

But there’s no Polar on that list above, is there? There’s no Suunto either (Movescount & sports-tracker).


Sync your tracks? Sync my tracks? This one does a similar syncing job on different services. Oh. Look here they support Polar and Sports Tracker (Suunto).

Image clicks to:

Some kind person even wrote about it in a bit more detail here…

Review: syncmytracks software app


Be careful though. This one will set you back about £2. That’s something like $3. Probably not worth it. Probably best to keep doing it manually 😉


These products are all a bit confusingly named aren’t they? I mean, what could FitnessSyncer possibly do?

Oh, exciting. Suunto are in this list too 😉

Image clicks to:


Note: Eric at FitnessSyncer supports a LOT more services than the ones shown in the image above and it’s worth checking out if you have more unusual requirements.

Some More Suggestions


golden CheetahYou could use some of these tools to automate sending your workout files to the awesome, desktop analysis software Golden Cheetah (GC). (link to:

GC can automatically update itself from a dropbox folder as well as directly from some online data sources.

For those of you who might prefer an online data analysis platform then you could look at which is continually improving.

Or you could check out (link out: That a great-looking analysis platform. Indeed they prompted me to write this post as they announced today that they are supporting direct linking to Polar Flow. Flow is good (I like it) but it has its limitations.

For those of you who bothered to read this far (thank you) and the latest snippet of a rumour is that the Polar Flow app MAY be being redesigned this year ‘for some reason‘. I will leave the ‘some reason’ to your imagination.

Polar Pro – new functionality for the V800 replacement?


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