parkrun | Before and After | 14 years on

Before & After


Those are pictures from one of the first parkruns and one of the most recent parkruns at Bushy Park where parkrun started in 2004 (2 October).

Today was parkrun’s 14th Birthday.

  • Before: Here is a link to the first ever, ever, ever parkrun results with the mens ‘event’ won by Chris Owens (Ranelagh Harriers) and the ladies event won by Rachel Rowan (Thames Turbo Triathlon). A total of 13 finishers
  • After (Today): Here is a link to today’s event where there were 1540 finishers. This time neither club managed a victory but Ranelagh Harriers had 16 finishers and Thames Turbo had 13 finishers ie as many from each club as the total number of finishers in the first ever race ! Which shows that running/triathlon clubs are obviously getting involved because of the relative ease to which club runs can be organised either socially or semi-competitively.

This was just short of the biggest ever parkrun attendance of 1,705

  • Before: Median finish time (as the maths is easier) 21:01
  • After: Median finish time today: 27:18

Note that parkrun see year-on-year slower average finish times as a measure of success. It is one indicator that more people are getting involved from all walks of life.

But really the honour of the 5 millionth registered parkrunner should go to Oliver HAMMANS I am still happy with having a 4 digit parkrun number on my barcode (significantly less than 10,000) but I always rue, a little, not getting in on the parkrun act earlier. 😉

  • Before: Paul Sinton-HEWITT
  • After: Paul Sinton-HEWITT CBE

Not a lot of people know that me (random internet person) and some other random internet person (JMJ) got local MP, Vince Cable to support Paul’s nomination. That nomination was supported by KW, TW and 2 further ‘random’ runners from Richmond parkrun.

Some bedtime reading for you…



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