STRYD Gets an Update (FW 1.18)

STRYD’s running footpod has just got an update. These will be minor feature updates to most people



The updates include:

  1. Bluetooth watches will ‘instantly’ show power eg Apple Watch, Polar Vantage, Polar V800, Suunto 9, Suunto Spartans
  2. Bluetooth watches will stay connected during apparent inactivity or low-level inactivity.
  3. Nuanced charging that will extend the lifetime of STRYD’s battery eg if the battery is ‘mostly full’ then recharge will not happen
  4. Bug fixes for unusual scenarios.


There are other plans afoot with new stuff from STRYD which I’m guessing we won’t see now until the early Spring 2019. The stuff I KNOW about …I guess I can’t say! I do NOT know about dual-sided pods but am ever-hopeful that will happen…one day. I would think that it might not have happened because the market may have been perceived to be too small.

STRYD have good financial backing and so ‘stuff’ should come. I guess the most pressing question for them to answer would be the apparent threat of a competing pod from Garmin in 2019 (read about that here) © 2010-2025

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