Some units were sent TODAY to PowerMeterCity in the USA from Polar, and the rest should be sent tomorrow for despatch in October. Those of you who ordered with the discount code THE5KRUNNER10 will get yours shipped first.
I’ll update this with the situation in the UK when I get the info.
You can find all related posts listed in this tag as I add them here
Price, Availability & Discount
The Polar Vantage M retails at $260/GBP250/Eur280,
The Polar Vantage V retails at $499/GBP439/Eur499
The Polar Vantage now has general availability. There do not seem to be widespread discount yet in the EU. I’ve included the best deals below but you will find a better deal at New Running Gear and Power Meter City. New Running Gear (NRG), below, were also bundling in GBP50 of running freebies.
- Power Meter City (USA) with the coupon code ‘the5krunner10’
- New Running Gear in the EU/UK with the code ‘the5krunner10’

I’ve used them too much (some duplicates shown from V&M…some workouts not shown in daily summary as too many on one day)
I saw GPS test results of Beta Vatage V in your Test Results dropbox file and at 58% it looks pretty bad…
that is the figure ! i think FW is v1.04 and it’s now v1.15 (or something like that) the units were beta.
the dropbox also says the M is better. IIRC it was a garmin level of good.
I’m not sure Garmin level of good is a great recommendation. I have a Garmin Fenix 5 Plus and its a great watch overall. But HR monitoring is, for me at least, is overall poor. Sometimes it works great – but then it has not infrequent moments of madness. My lungs are fit to burst, sweat pouring off me, my heart about to expire and my Garmin says HR 100 BPM. I don’t think so!
And same in reverse – a gentle stroll and the watch tells me I’m exercising to the max!
I find a lot of the time ( 80% ) its probably accurate – but I need something that’s 95% accurate 95% of the time.
I was hoping the Polar Vantage might be it but not so sure.
As far as I understood they were talking about GPS accuracy. Of course it’s the same “Garmin level of good” is for sure not an argument to switch (for me at least).
Anyway they were not talking about oHR, so you still stand a chance that the Vantage might be better. Only time will tell. Currently I’ve the impression that too man people got caught by Polar’s marketing campaign that they are more accurate and by repeating this mantra over and over again, it seems to be taken for given. But who actually had access to the final watch to test it?
Before I decide to switch over from my current eco-system (Garmin) I’ll see what real-world results will show. I’ve enough time to do so because one important feature (for me) will be available next year anyway. So no rush more me.
Polar are specifically saying they want to be the best at ‘gps and ohr’. i think they are geunine in that desire.
i’ve jsut posted a short review of the vantage m. the gps accuracy from my experience is a garmin 935 level of good. results of a formal test (part of the overall view) are in the usual place
yep. i totally agree with you from a personal standpoint
if, like me, you want >95% accuracy then you will use a chest strap. (more correctly: wrist based ohr has no guarantees of accuracy)
some people have different priorities
Hi! I have two questions about the watch (I think I’m getting the M, but I guess for the OHR and the GPS the results are going to be quite similar).
1) How’s the OHR when swimming? The OH1 works great (for me at least) but I’m not sure about an OHR on the wrist…
2) Has the GPS accuracy improved since you got the unit? I’ve read (also in the DC website) that it is not that good (being polite).
Thanks in advance!
the ohr is pretty good in swimming. it’s not perfect but more than ‘just usable’ eg i have just come back from 40 mins vantage M vs hrm-tri. done that a few times.
the gps IS sometimes good. eg i did 3x 11km laps on a bike first 3 fine then the fourth wasnt (in place)…ie inexplicable. i’m also not sure about the difference between the M and V. The M seems better. I need to start looking a bit closer as i’d imagined the Vantage were going to ship late so my review is far from finished.
Happy to hear that! Specially given that it is not possible to pair neither a OH1 nor H10 for swimming…
For the M being better at GPS accuracy, may it be the case of the metallic bezel impacting the signal? Just guessing, but if I’m not mistaken, it wouldn’t be the first time this happens in a GPS watch.
let me put my thoughts together first. again most of it was in beta
Received my vantage V today, can you check one thing on yours ?, the bottom right button click sound is different from the other 4 buttons, is it the same on yours?
bottom is very slightly louder (I had never noticed)
Bottom right button? Does it bother you?
Also have you managed to lock the screen/buttons? it´s stated you should long press light button but it is not doing anything
hi it doesnt bother me (i had not noticed). yes i agree the long press of light (lock) or red button (zone lock) whilst exercising do nothing.
jep, same here – bottom richt button is louder
Has it been confirmed by now that the Vantage and the Suunto 9 are using the same GPS chip? If so, has the GPS performance of the Suunto 9 improved since it was launched? And, tangentially: could Glonass — and/or Galileo — eventually become available on the Suunto?
My main reason for asking is that with initial reports about the Sony GPS chip being less than stellar, I’m wondering whether I might not be better off giving it a miss and going for a watch with a different chipset (i.e. one of the Spartan Sport models) if a nice deal pops up on Black Friday.
no it hasn’t been confirmed. neither company will say the exact model number
i’m 99% sure it will be the same one based on teh chips power consumption
polar is always gps+glonass. so YES Suunto could also add glonass
it might not be the chip per se but rather the FW on the chip or the integration of the chip into the watch. Both suunto and polar have implied that ‘sony has been working on XXXXX’ hence making it sound like any problem needs tobe solved by sony
having said that i’ve just done YET MORE tests on latest FW on the polar…it IS looking better, especially on the M. not sure how much so yet.
you shuld look closely at my reviews on the gps performance of the spartans – there is a big difference between them eg the ULTRA was not great at all whereas the non-WHR SPORT was really good IIRC
just buy stryd and the prettiest watch…much easier 😉
If I go for it, it’ll likely be the Sport WHR (or WHR Baro, still on the fence about that) which your review says “performed excellently” on your tests and “is up there with the very best”:
Unless something has changed in the interim? I’d really rather avoid extra devices to fiddle around with; while I’m sometimes tempted by a footpod for the purpose of instant pace that’s actually usable, it might not be important enough to me to warrant strapping on an additional gadget every time I run, and if I do bite the bullet a Scosche Rhythm+ might be more useful for my purposes. So good GPS would take priority.
In general I’m a bit spooked by the initial performance reports on the Sony chip. I have a paranoid itch that it’s too new and the teething troubles might not be fully fixed until the second generation, and if that’s the case I’d rather take a rain check on the first watches using it.
FWIW my test today with the M was alright…garmin standard. it used LIVE/LATEST FW
yep those were the ones i liked baro+sport non-whr…i don’t wear them every day ! I try to use ONE watch as my main watch if i can to keep a close eye on it…i think its a little disengenuos saying ‘i have 20 hours of running with X’ when in reality i’ve just collected 20 hours of data on X on the other wrist and kept looking at my normal watch!!
Guess it’ll be Baro for me then! Vantage M is not an option because it won’t, apparently, be getting route navigation.
Out of curiosity, what’s your “main” watch and why? If I may ask?
What it’s coming down to for me right now is whether I will move from swim bike run as separate cross training activities to the realm of actual triathlon training and racing. If I do, my AW4 which performs very well with Stryd for the run, and very well in pool (based on lap distance OHR), will become my secondary device. I am curious if you’ve had any dropouts on the M or V with your Stryd foot pod?
none that i’ve noticed.