Bad news for as STRAVA has just stopped Relive’s integration with their platform citing that it “violates several of the terms that we ask of API partners“. Reading between the lines it looks like STRVA made an effort to encourage Relive to properly safeguard the personal info of users. Although Relive, below, seems to dispute this. You decide.

What is receives your rides from STRAVA and then overlays your route and a few key data points onto a 3D map. that’s pretty much it. Some people love it (we used it last year in the Alps and Pyrenees in our group) but I was a bit ‘meh’, having previously seen a SportsTracks3.1 plugin that converted your ride to a full Google Streetview; I’ve been looking for that for a few months but can’t find it.

Funnily enough, I’d been looking again at this over the last couple of weeks. I had planned to add a personalised Relive video to the results of my GPS test page to show the route of the standard course I use as part of my testing process. But I didn’t. So here’s an example of what they do.


Polar also do a similar thing within their FLOW platform called RELIVE but that’s not too great either. Here’s an example where you see your route over a 2D map with a few notable data points highlighted. At the same time as those key data points, you get a 360-degree Google Streetview if it’s available. #NotVeryInspiring. Also, the intro to the video is WAY too long.

You can also use these partners of relive if you want to make use of the service


Source: Below

oh. Wait a minute. What’s this?


Not to worry: Wahoo to the rescue: see twitter:

Probable Summary

Relive probably did break STRAVA’s T&Cs, despite them being worded somewhat unconvincingly. But the reality also is that many many other 3rd parties that link to STRAVA are likely doing the same thing. So why pick on Relive? It’s possible STRAVA see them as a threat; but I doubt it as Relive’s offering is that awe-inspiring (it’s nice though, as an occasional one off thing.). My guess, as in the comments below is that STRAVA is planning something similar. © 2010-2025

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2 thoughts on “STRAVA stops RELIVE

  1. It seems there’s another side to this story from Relive here (ah, just seen that link is at the bottom of the article). The email I had from Strava seemed vague on detail of exactly what Relive has done wrong in their eyes. I wonder if Strava have a similar service brewing….

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