Coros + Stages + Final Surge News

Some tidbits of firmware/platform goodness to round off the day and a great relief for it to be something other than a 20% off ‘something’ deal.


Stages today are releasing v2 of their L50 firmware, I’m assuming also for the M50 but not L10. Full info should be shown here at but it’s not shown yet at the time of writing. So, for now, here are some highlights

  • v2.0 extends Dash runtime to 11+hours and apparently that includes map usage. That I would say is now at an ‘appropriate level’
  • Low Power Mode now gives up to 24 hours of runtime.
  • Also, some changes to the cycling-specific maps with the addition of street names and direction arrows for some courses

There will be one, maybe two, more DASH firmware announcements this year. I think it’s no secret that one of them will be Varia support. And in Landscape mode that could work quite nicely on the L50.

FinalSurge & Coros

Final Surge

Ah sorry, it’s one piece of news for two companies. Coros and FinalSurge are now linked up. Unfortunately, it’s one way with your completed Coros workout being piped into FinalSurge’s platform.

Coros has been very good with giving us some recent news with their running track mode and new power pod, so they can be excused for no more excitement until 2020. Although at their usual rate of new watches they can probably squeeze two more in by the end of the year 😉

I’m still waiting for some interesting FinalSurge news that I have teased about a few times. Still waiting. © 2010-2025

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