MOTIV Ring – bites the dust – Proxy acquires Motiv

Motiv Ring Review


I’ve been following fitness rings for some time now and reviewed the MOTIV ring in 2018. This is an exciting space in the fitness/activity/sleep/tech space that’s generally filled with rubbish. If you care to do some googling you will find quite a few ring products that look like they’ve been built using your niece’s lego Batman set.

Motiv was *NOT* one of those, Circular won’t be either. Motiv was/is one of the good ones. However, despite being a generally decent product it didn’t sell anywhere near as many units as the competition.

Here’s what Motiv failed to do

  • Get a groundswell of high-quality PR. And I mean things like it being worn by a Prince rather than someone like me reviewing it.
  • Be a mainstream lifestyle product – MOTIV emphasised the sexiness of 2FA, which is techy-nice but people are generally more interested in other things…like themselves. 2FA is as sexy as a brick. Everyone will appreciate a tech ring that can avoid you inputting a password but…
  • Deliver a sweet-looking app that focussed on sleep as well as activity and then putting those two together to give recovery indications
  • The app and ring needed just that little bit extra in terms of refinement.

So. The SUBSTANCE of the product was ‘not far off’ but the style wasn’t there. Others may well have succeeded by making style trump substance.

Cut to the chase: Proxy has bought Motiv.

or, as Proxy’s CEO says, “This acquisition places Proxy at the forefront of human-machine symbiotic technology” Hmmm. Does it? And what does that actually mean?

I fear that Proxy will double-down on the tech side of things and Motiv will fail to excite once again.

If I had a cunning plan it would involve getting Beyonce and David Beckham to wear one. Just sayin’, often the simple strategies are best.


Motiv Ring Review


Source: Proxy © 2010-2025

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4 thoughts on “MOTIV Ring – bites the dust – Proxy acquires Motiv

  1. David Bekham? You mean Cristiano Ronaldo. But yes, they could learn a thing or 2 by reading this blog.

    They could also have partnered with Garmin, Polar or Suunto similar to how Stryd does. Getting Polar to pull sleep hr data from a ring instead of wearing watch will be brilliant.

    1. yes they could partner with garmin, etc. the best links to make tho are to the google/apple health kits, the main/gross target market is active/lifestyle people rather than athletes tho obvisouly athletes are interested including for the reason you say

      1. Yes the athlete in me totally forgot about the Google and Apple platforms. Fitbit as well. Hopefully Proxy has someone with your kind of thinking.

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