STRAVA *Removes* GAP Feature for free users

STRAVA seem to have removed another feature for non-paying users as there is clearly a push towards getting more of us to financially support the (probably) loss-making STRAVA service. I’m not sure when this happened but here are the before and after examples from a recent run using two STRAVA accounts, one free and the other premium (thanks to InSyt for the spot!).

Those are from the web view of STRAVA. If I look at my smartphone then I can still see GAP on my free account. It’s possible this is a newly removed feature that hasn’t yet been rolled out to everyone’s app…by the end of the week we will know.

GAP stands for Grade Adjusted Pace and is the real pace you are running at ignoring slope. So if you are running uphill at 4:10/km then, depending on the grade/slope, you might really be running at 4:00/km. This can be a very useful metric but I suspect that few casual runners use it in reality.

A more ‘proper’ pace would be normalized pace which would take into account wind, temperature, humidity, surface conditions and other factors but this then effectively becomes something similar to STRYD‘s running power. Nevertheless, GAP does account for one of the more important determinants of your groundspeed.

I strongly suspect that STRAVA will be introducing support for STRYD’s running power after this leak a few weeks ago. Perhaps that is part of the rationale for removing GAP? Even more interesting we have seen the addition of a new Local Legend Feature which has just about all the features available for FREE users. Nice.

PS Don’t expect STRYD’s power support to come for free in STRAVA…it might, but don’t hold your breath.

new STRAVA Local Legends – Segments, Jim, but not as we know them


If you value these things then stump up the cash. If you don’t value them then it doesn’t really matter.

Hint: If you regularly read certain blogs then the authors appreciate some support too 😉


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17 thoughts on “STRAVA *Removes* GAP Feature for free users

  1. I’ve read that Strava already supports run power if using an Apple, Polar or Suunto. But not Garmin as it’s not native.

    1. Hmm. I have a Suunto watch and run with a Stryd; the Strava Android app shows me my average power but the website doesn’t.
      I have a free account but I can’t for the life of me remember whether power used to show up on the website before they put so many functions behind the paywall.

  2. I know you said wait until the end of the year, to see how much of the free service Strava lobotomizes. However, it seems like they are strongly pushing for users to either pay for service or just F-off and leave.

    Another month and another, albeit insignificant, lost feature. … Can’t wait to see what they remove next!

  3. I’ve deleted my account 2 weeks ago, but still like to read things like this, to assure me I made the right call. 🙂

      1. Then why didn’t they ask for money in the first place instead of building a nice segment database with user’s data all those years and JUST now asking for money ?
        Sounds like a game app freemium strategy to me

  4. Pay for it! Best value per dollar any of us in this recreational activity use. This company has given away an amazing product for years and deserves every dime and more that they are asking for. One lame ass weekend 5k registration fee pays for 3 years of their service.

    1. Many aren’t paying cash for it, but no one is getting it for free. The data they are collecting is like gold. I’m just surprised they haven’t figured out a way to monetize it enough to be profitable. That said, I have been an actual cash paying customer for awhile because I do see the value in the extra features.

    2. It costs 60 dollars a year, so 180 for 3 years. What kind of 5k costs that much?

  5. This is definitely true. My app is now advertising GAP as a premium feature and they have the cheek to call it a “new” feature. I’m standing by my guns though, I will not pay for Strava until they allow multisport activities. All my other platforms handle them fine but Strava decides a triathlon is actually 5 separate activities. Its ridiculous.

  6. Strava just gave me 60 days of Premium for free. I never really needed the platform, but I’m gonna see what the hub-bub is all about.

      1. Alright, well, I did use the free service, but just as a bridge to other services.
        I honestly don’t think I need it. I don’t compete, don’t train with others, and most analytics I want or get, I get within the device (Apex Pro) or via Runalyze.
        I always thought Strava was over-hyped, I guess I’m going to get my answer now. Free is free.

  7. Put ant+ back and you will have me back as a paying customer…easy as that…

  8. I’ve just noticed that the “correct elevation” link doesn’t seem to be doing anything any more. Wonder if that’s another functionality that’s been turned off for free accounts?

    1. seems to work on both my accounts on the web. I would imagine that ‘elevation’ would be one of the features that STRAVA could argue should be a premium service.

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