Quarq Discount, PowerDot Sale, Keto rubbish, curranz reoxygenation rates

Wednesday Wonders

Here are some sales and some science for you to read and wonder at on an otherwise quiet Wednesday.

Sale: Quarq DZero DUB Power Meter

There are some good sale prices on some of Quarq’s power meters, namely a $399 power meter or $595 powermeter plus cranks.

Quarq have some interesting power meter features and pride themselves in their accuracy. They boast needing zero calibrations, great temperature compensation, accuracy, ability to change chainrings without calibration and a durable simple solution.

Find out more on the sale price here: Power Meter City (USA), eg DZERO PM at $399 was $779.

Science: Quality Australian Study finds Keto diet wanting

I’m pretty sure that the mega-expensive and usually O.O.S. HVMN Ketone (BHB) works to improve my race-day performance and I’m currently floundering on a different keto-project, trying to prove to myself that C8 MCT Powder (from ketostore) helps with long Sunday ride baseline energy boosts.

This study, however, looks pretty good and shows that you are probably right not to try a full-blown keto diet to help your race day endurance performances. It’s a good read if you are vaguely sceptical about keto but interested to know more to bolster your beliefs.

High-Carb Diet Outperforms Low-Carb in Endurance Study

Sale: PowerDot 20% Father’s Day Code

I recently produced a detailed PowerDot Review, it’s a nice muscle stimulation product with a variety of uses. I’m mainly using it to reduce my physio bill but my household has unfortunately taken a liking to it as well and we are all, somewhat disgustingly, sharing the same set of electro pads (at least for now). If my household was a scientific sample size, which it isn’t, it would be the most-used product ever.

My 15% code trumped by new 20% code: DAD20 directly at PowerDot until 21 June.

PowerDot Review 2022 | Smart TENS NMES by Therabody

Science: CurraNZ Doubles Tissue reoxygenation

If I were richer I would have a beetroot juice every day to help training, but I’m not. However, for the occasional plug of their product (like this), CURRANZ gives me a free supply of CURRANZ tablets which I do take every day both for training and racing.

There is LOTS and LOTS of science on it: here are all the links to the CURRANZ Science and claims. It’s pretty compelling.

Their latest research shows that CurraNZ can almost DOUBLE muscle tissue reoxygenation rate during exercise ie it helps the muscle extract oxygen. Kinda important really for athletes I would have thought. Science bit: On average, CurraNZ increased tissue reoxygenation rates in the muscle by 38% and enabled the tissue to extract 14% more oxygen from the blood. Latest findings showed:

  • On average, the time to half recovery of muscle oxygenation went from 42 seconds to 26 seconds – indicating muscle tissue reoxygenation rate improved on average 38%
  • Tissue saturation index indicated that the muscle extracted 14% more oxygen from the blood
  • There was no change to forearm blood flow (brachial artery)


Easy Performance Boost For Newbie Endurance Athletes with CurraNz – #Science



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2 thoughts on “Quarq Discount, PowerDot Sale, Keto rubbish, curranz reoxygenation rates

  1. The LC walkers did the same training, but reported significant difficulties in the first two weeks.”
    Low-Carb diets require approx 2 week acclimatisation period. as the study admits

    1. i think they have that mostly covered here: However, they point out that [LC] subjects in their prior study achieved fat burning rates that are “the highest ever recorded in the literature,” including other studies that lasted more than six months.

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