SunGod Velans – new Bike sunglasses & free Sunglasses Competition

new SunGod Cycling Specific Sunglasses

SunGod has announced new sunglasses just for cycling with the SunGod Velans being the smaller design. I’ll write more about these in the weeks to come, all you need to know right now is this

  • The Velans model is the more rounded of the two new SunGod models, the other is the larger SunGod Vulcans reviewed here.
  • Interesting tidbit – you can convert Velans from Full-frame to Half-frame and back again
  • Lenses are high quality, replaceable. Triple-layer scratch-resistant 8KO lenses
  • Prices start at £115 for a customisable pair of sunglasses

Link to

Below is a chance to win a free pair of one of their other models.

Sungod Competition | Sunglasses

Why not try the competition to get a free pair of one of the older models?

Sungod Pacebreakers discount competition
Click to enter on SunGod.Co

First Try The Free Competition

A couple of clicks and you could win a pair of SunGod sunglasses, either the Classics3, Sierras, Revolts, Vanguards, Renegades or PaceBreakers models. I reviewed the PaceBreakers from a sporty perspective (link to SunGod PaceBreakers Review) and looked at the Classics model too (link to SunGod Classics Review – Classics2 ). Recently I announced the Winter Sungod Revolt Ski/Boarding Goggles and highlighted the use of clearer lenses for winter cycling with the PaceBreakers.


Entry is free. I don’t get anything if you enter SunGod’s competition on their site. If you later go on to buy one of the products then this site earns a small commission.. SunGod state that you have a 1 in 500 chance of winning and they seem a reputable company that I have dealt with on and off for over two years. As of July 2020, there have been three winners from about 1,100 entrants from this site…time for a third if you do the Math (and ignore probability theory)






SunGod Classics Review 😎 Custom CLASSICS3 sunglasses

SunGod Revolts – Pre-order for Winter


SUNGOD PaceBreakers – Winter Cycling & a Low Light Lens


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