BREAKING: Garmin *DOWN* Again | Garminpocalypse II The Sequel

Garmin is DOWN Again


Unbelievably, as of 30th August 2020 17:15 BST, Garmin Connect is down again. En masse, the status server shows all the key services appear not to be working.

Check the latest status here:

(Edit: 31 Aug 10am, BST. All appears normal now)

Garmin users will not forget the chaos from last month’s disaster when we were without the majority of Garmin’s offerings for the best part of a week.

I guess maintenance and general ‘bad stuff’ might happen at weekends but you just don’t get two ransomware attacks in consecutive months. Or at least you shouldn’t.




GarminPocalypse 1 : Ransomware Causes Major outage

Panic !

First up, definitely DO NOT PANIC. You can still use your Garmin to record your precious workout data and likely will also lose little, if any, activity data (sleep/steps).


If the only software you use is Garmin Connect then you just need to have a coffee and chill. This is beyond your control and there is nothing you can do about it.

However, if you use 3rd party software then you might be in luck. Conveniently, many Garmin devices can be directly accessed from a PC/MAC and you can manually copy individual workout files to 3rd party sites like STRAVA

If you plug your Garmin into your PC you can use FILE EXPLORER to navigate to the GARMIN/ACTIVITY or GARMIN/ACTIVITIES folder. you will see your workout files are FIT format files and are all named with the activity’s date.



If, for example, you want to force it up to STRAVA you only have to load up STRAVA on your PC/MAC and manually upload your missing files. Don’t worry, even when Garmin is back up and running duplicates will not appear on your STRAVA account.

Using a DESKTOP web browser such as FIREFOX, log into your STRAVA account and choose ‘UPLOAD ACTIVITY’ from the little ‘+’ sign in the top right-hand corner and navigate to the folder that contains the FIT files, like this:

Is Everything Working for You?

Five hours ago my files CORRECTLY UPLOADED TO GARMIN CONNECT and to STRAVA. I’ve manually uploaded one to Garmin Connect now and that seems OK. More investigation needed as to why Garmin’s status server is reporting errors.

Garmin’s only comment so far is, “Garmin Connect is currently experiencing an outage due to issues with one of our providers. We are working to resolve this as quickly as possible”. So this could be an easily-resolvable, 3rd party issue.

Related news: BBC reports major servers down


With new Garmin products set to be announced WITHIN THE NEXT TWO WEEKS, *IF* this is another ransomware attack it will cause MAJOR problems with the launches.

Garmin Releases for 2021 | rumored 955, Fenix 7, 1040, Dual GPS and more © 2010-2025

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19 thoughts on “BREAKING: Garmin *DOWN* Again | Garminpocalypse II The Sequel

  1. Just finished a 90 minutes run and despite the warning on Garmin Connect the activity uploaded fine.

    1. Me too. About 5 hours ago. It was all working but with warning popping up and maybe a bit slow.

  2. Please, Garmin, I’m really fed up with the “Our server are busy at the moment” or “Our server are under mantainance”. Do something, do a contract with HP or IBM and let them manage all your internet stuff and all your servers.
    Thank you

  3. There was a big network issue today (around Cloudflare afaik) . In fact that even affected the Chess Olympiad while Russia was playing vs. India (the final!). Due to Covid that was held as an online-chess event. It was reported that many servers couldn’t be reached depending on where you are.

    I would bet that’s also the reason for this. For me (Germany) Connect worked without issues today.

  4. This is most likely a Cloudflare issue, a bunch of websites were down but are back up now by the look of it. There’s not much Garmin could do about this issue and not really their fault in this case.

  5. My ride this morning synced fine, Garmin forums still working today and the server status all seems good (all services green) when I checked just now. So hopefully all over.

  6. CenturyLink has taken down large portions of the web today, including much of Cloudflare which provides web security for much of the e-commerce sites. Given that Garmin servers resolve to both CenturyLink and Cloudflare routings, I’d guess this isn’t a Garmin issue.

  7. This was a panic over nothing. It wasn’t even down long enough to even notice. Servers go down, it’s nothing new.

      1. I just wonder if this is one of those issues that depends upon which server your account is hosted on. I didn’t see the server status issues you had when I posted yesterday; I have a screen shot, but can’t attach it here for some reason. Hence maybe just one server down (or some other tech explanation for why some saw the issue and others didn’t).

  8. hmm. Can you not see the image which proves the downtime? Did you not read other reports hours earlier reporting and documenting the same thing. Facts can be inconvenient for arguments sometimes.

    I’m always happy to correct factual inaccuracies and make clear my opinions.

    Over to you Ernie
    edit: perhaps this ‘rag’ reporting the same unworthy and untrue subject is also yellow? see the difference between them and what i did above? I actually included a degree of proof that the systems were down. they’re professional journos and didn’t!…i don’t even count myself as a journalist.

    1. I’m sorry but you just jumped to conclusions without doing an ounce of research and you still have not corrected your article.

      This was due to CenturyLink/Cloudflare being down and absolutely nothing Garmin could have done.

      Also I don’t care what the status page said, as Cloudflare mitigated the issue Garmin came up in different areas of the world at different times.

      In the UK it was down for maybe 30 minutes.

      1. Your evidence? You’ve made several unsubstantiated assumptions there
        My evidence was from Garmin.
        the article was edited some time ago to say the service was running correctly

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