Stages Dash L50 / M50 – new features

Stages Dash L50 Review | M50


Stages Dash L50 / M50 – New Features

The Dash bike computers get a reasonably steady stream of updates and that’s great, especially considering that these are already feature-packed full of innovation.

I especially like the RIDE PREVIEW, you would be surprised at how many times I’ve started a workout only to discover that my recent screen changes are wrong or that I’m simply on the wrong profile. Showing a preview before I start gets around these annoyances. Of course, it also increases the likelihood of you forgetting to press GO!. This feature is on Garmin devices and other competing devices but not all by a long shot.

Here are some more details

Current Firmware Release #: v2.5.1


  • Smart Profiles – Smart profiles automatically add new pages to the existing page set based on connected sensors and existing page contents, similar to features in Wahoo.
  • Smart Light Connectivity – Pair to ANT+ enabled bike lights to change their mode, power on and off, and view their battery level from the Dash. As we get bikes with ever more electronic sensors attached it becomes increasingly important to quickly and easily check each ones’ battery status and mode of operation – this includes lights, as Stages have enabled, but it would also include the ability to set and change Di2 shifting mode, for example (Hammerhead kinda does this).
  • Ride preview – Press the ride start button to preview your ride screen.
  • Set your Activity type to assist Stages Link and other training platforms in categorizing your rides.



  • Sensor icons updated to fit more icons across the status bar. Icons will now also indicate pairing status:
    • Red: Searching
    • Green: Paired
  • Courses and workouts added to the in-ride menu.
  • Time to go at the end of a workout step instead will display a negative value (“-0:02”).
  • Calendar courses and workouts sorted by date in menu.
  • Trainer sends distance at end of ride.
  • Data field borders in night mode changed to grey instead of white.
  • Raw barometer readings logged in fit files.
  • Ukrainian language added.
  • Sensor menu items that contain no data are hidden.
  • Firmware filename reflects the version ID for all future releases.
  • Improved sensor connectivity during a ride where ANT sensors are paired to the active profile but not present (searching reduces after 5 minutes).


Stages Dash L50 Review | M50 | Performance BikeNav © 2010-2025

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