Major New Strava APP updates
Regular Strava users will by now have got to grips with and enjoyed the new Strava app re-design introduced last month. The app redesign looked pretty and seemed sensible but, hey, #Shrug, it was just an app redesign.
As of today, things start to get interesting, only on your smartphone app for now though…
Today sees the first MAJOR UPDATE of the new app layout and the most significant update that I can remember for a long while which focuses on improving the key stuff from which Strava is made…SEGMENTS, maps and groups.
Let’s dive in.
You will find the first tranche of new features on the GROUP tab. Then there’s even more added to the MAP tab alongside your segments & routes. The new MAP features can be classed as either DISCOVERY tools or PERFORMANCE tools, let’s take a look at those first.
Performance Tools
The performance tools will delight all you segment hunters out there and those of you looking for specific segment challenges where you could perhaps notch up an achievement that is MORE than a simple PB/PR. Let me explain…
Within the map you are viewing, you can see the segments where you are currently performing at a level that is close to your record and then other segments where you are close to getting a Top 10 on the full leaderboard.
- Break your record: These segments are where you’re close to beating your personal record.
- Climb the leaderboard: These segments are where you’re close to getting a top 10 spot on the leaderboard.
- Become a legend: Segments where you’re close to becoming the Local Legend.
Where I live has some of the most popular Strava segments on Earth (literally) and is en-route for many highly competent cyclists travelling out of London and into Surrey. To make matters worse, the local University focuses on sports…even their running track is named the ‘Sir Mo Farah Running Track’. You get the drift, there are a lot of great runners too. What I’m trying to say is that I’ve got an excuse never to get on any Top 10 strava segment leaderboard ;-). That said, I go through phases of my training where I use Strava segments of up to about 5 minutes as targets for my speedwork on the bike. So Strava’s new BREAK YOUR RECORD segments will have some interest to me, although that interest will be tinged with the reality that I’ll mostly need favourable wind conditions to improve my times.
Discovery Tools
I’ve lived at my current address for over 10 years now and I think I’m very familiar with the cycling and running areas within easy reach. However, when I’m on holiday somewhere new, these Strava features might actually come in handy to find good places to train or safe places to train. Another thing I’m looking for is somewhere local that is pleasant to ride a TT bike on ie decent road surfaces, but Strava is not offering to help with that one for now.
These are what you get…
- Go for a workout: Find nearby tracks, areas for interval training, and other areas where the community trains.
- Visit popular spots: A sampling of the most popular segments in the area.
- Discover new places: Popular segments in the area you might have not yet explored
new GROUP Tools
Groups Challenges are distinct from those created by Clubs.
You can create a group challenge where you invite your followers to accept a challenge you have created. Your challenge could be up to a year-long and can include goals for any of Strava’s 32 sports based on speed, frequency or duration of activities. Non-subscribers can participate in 3 challenges which I think is reasonable.
One condition of participation in a group challenge is that your activity must be set as “public” or “followers only” for it to count. Strava says this help group cohesiveness and inclusivity and lots of other nice words but the bottom line is that it makes the Strava platform and its members more visible….it’s good PR.
Requires latest Android/iOS(v205)
Take Out – Strava Major Update
This is a substantial update to Strava and it presses some important buttons that definitely needed a good polish & press.
For once I can see myself using quite a few of these new features to help my training when on holiday, to add some occasional spice to my interval training and to challenge some of my Sunday cycling mates in ways that I will carefully select so that I can win ;-).
I’m not necessarily a barometer for how the rest of the world uses Strava and we are certainly all different kinds of athletes yet I do hope this update from Strava will increase the love for our most-used athletic platform. That said there will undoubtedly be someone who’s not happy and will point out that they are, once again, cancelling their imaginary Strava subscription.
Nice job Strava.
Now let’s have some more, please.
Read More About Strava- here
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