Coros Confirms Strava Course Support For Vertix 2 – Komoot to follow

It Looks like Coros Vertix 2 Will Support Strava Courses Very Soon


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It’s only been a few days since the Coros Vertix 2 was announced and, other than the price point, one of the more common reviewer criticisms is of the somewhat convoluted process that’s required to get courses onto the watch.

Currently, you have to source your GPX file from ‘somewhere’ and then manually get it onto your smartphone by email or another method. Then you have to get the email attachment into the Coros app and then manually sync the courses you want to the Vertix 2 from the Coros app. It’s an annoying process but bearable if you only occasionally use routes.

To cut a long story short, Coros has confirmed that they are aiming to deliver Strava Course support by the end of September and Komoot support by the end of 2021. #Cool

I don’t know the details of exactly how this will work but it might be reasonable to expect some similarities to the same kind of links offered by Wahoo and Garmin. On those platforms, once you favourite your route the course file simply magically appears on the watch with no other interaction required. There’s a similar service offered by Ride with GPS on Wahoo/Garmin but that doesn’t seem to be on the radar for Coros right now.

Must Read: Coros Vertix 2 Review – an in-depth look

Must Read: Strava Insider – LOTS of in-depth posts on many different aspects of Strava
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2 thoughts on “Coros Confirms Strava Course Support For Vertix 2 – Komoot to follow

  1. Could some kind person clue me in on why everyone seems to think Komoot is such a Cool Thing? I honestly find it clunky as all get-out to use and while I created an account there at some point, I’ve long since moved to Plotaroute where route creating and editing is a much smoother experience. So much so that I’d rather put up with the faff of emailing routes from Plotaroute to my phone in order to get them into Coros App. Last time I looked at Komoot it had an awful lot of homework still to do to streamline route creating.

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