For Sale: Want to buy the UK’s fastest HIM triathlon event?

Velocity Events is up for sale

The owner of the UK’s fastest Half Iron distance event has put Velocity Events up for sale. Mike Hawkins has run the business for about 15 years and is handing over the reins.

I’ve done the Marshman Half and it is fast and flat with an almost guaranteed PB. Wind could be a factor like any race and the Camber sands road is annoyingly bumpy. Put those factors to one side and then the only thing that could be a more serious problem would be hordes of tourists descending for some May sun…which isn’t normally the case but it was in the 2021 race

Considering this is easily the fastest Half Iron Distance race in the UK, I don’t know why it isn’t more popular and that’s where a buyer could make a decent return I reckon.

Also up for sale is the Maidstone Duathlon, which I know nothing about. Except it’s in Maidstone, Kent.

Must Read: Best Triathlon Watch

More Info: Velocity Website

Or Mike Hawkins, 07980 705961 (he has made that number available in a mass email shot)

I don’t know Mike and I get nothing from this post and it is not paid for…just doing my bit to help.

Will do the race this year: Maybe. © 2010-2025

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