Runalyze – 12 months of new stuff
Runalyze is a powerful online workout reporting & analysis tool. It is crammed full of interesting and useful features. It covers triathlon as well as running, never be fooled by a name (#the5krunner)
Sure some of the more unusual analyses are for paid users but the free membership is genuinely free and genuinely useful.
If you are happy with Garmin Connect or Strava then great. But if you want more and if, say, the likes of Golden Cheetah seem dauntingly complex or if Training Peaks looks great but is too expensive then it’s DEFINITELY worth checking out the free tier of Runalyze.
I was prompted to give this heads-up for Runalyze mainly because they deserve it. Some better-known hardware brands or platforms get some great media coverage for adding relatively small features. Runalyze’s January roll of honour (new features) is impressive enough so I’ll show you that plus some of the highlights from the last 12 months. I think the guys that write Runalyze come to this site from time to time so they’ll probably tell me I’ve missed out loads of features. For more info head over to their site or to their relatively active forums.
If you are looking for running power, critical power charts and all that kind of stuff then, yep, that’s there as well. Scanning through the list, below, you will see that some relatively unusual and niche things are added…the implication being that many of the standard features are already there.
More: Runalyze
adidas Running // Runtastic – Sync
Jan 2022: There is now a new sync to the adidas app. The adidas app is a very popular and pretty decent app for recording and reflecting on your runs. It makes sense to keep using it if you are happy. If you want the occasional delve into some deep data then you can by linking it to Runalyze.
Peak EPOC estimate
Peak EPOC is added for every new activity, it’s based on your HR data and will later be added to historical workouts.
Update for trend analysis tool
Jan 2022: Updates for the trend analysis tool
FIT Developer Field Support
Jan 2022: Adds support for Garmin’s special developer fields found in FIT files
Wider HRV Support For Premium Users
HRV data added to the full (premium) data set
Ascent/Descent Improvements
All ascents/descents are now stored as well as your preferences
Analysis tool: Quality sessions

Runalyze now supports daily HRV readings
Improved estimation of DFA-alpha1 values
May 21 – DFA-alpha1 methods look at heart rate during ramp-like efforts and can be used to detect ‘true’ physiological points like (lower) aerobic threshold. I first wrote about DFA-a1 a year or so ago and its adoption by some of the more niche platforms has been good to see.
Synchronisation with Strava
New: Color bars for intensity by zone distribution

Runalyze syncs to Oura & Wahoo
sorry for offtopic, i tried runalyze years ago, but moved to
you ever tried it, it is really great, with estimate FTP for cycling and running and so much more, better then Training Peaks WKO5 Stuff and so?
i have an account and some data loaded up there. it does look good but time is short…
Good stuff!!! Thanks.
Thanks for your post.
We really hope that Whoop will open the API for third parties. Fingers crossed.
yep, Will said they would…he’s the boss!